Kitty didn't need to turn her head to see what Axel was looking at. She could already hear them, their thoughts like an echo chamber in her own head thanks to the barriers that kept them separated having been removed by the metal manipulator in his attempt to buy time. It was annoying hearing them all, especially when Laika decided to move closer. [i]She wasn't normal, hadn't been for a long time, and it showed from more than just her appearance. The whirling that came from her thoughts was by far the worst since the closest thing she could describe to the sound was something like a computer error being elongated into a screech that was how her thoughts, as minimal and instruction like as they were, was broadcasted to be like a voice.[/i] She would bet that had something to do with how she was more tech than person nowadays. [i]Fearful chittering was more apparent than anything else. Lance and Felix's voices were whispering it, softly while on the outside to Axel they asked the same question all of them had without realizing it.[/i] Axel was growing more agitated the more it was asked, her gaze following him like a hawk as he sauntered away from her door and over to the barricade. [i]Zale wanted his plants. He didn't want to be here, being outside of his room meant bad things were going to occur to him and them. [/i] [i]Jain wanted to leave and assumed Axel had a way-[/i] More voices pierced into her skull like a siren just as Axel's arm went through his own barrier, cutting off whatever train of thought Kitty had completely from the sudden influx. The people on the other side of it were starting to be bleed through. She couldn't hear Axel's yelling over the guards on the other side, the sound causing her to lift her hand up to her head as she swayed into her doorframe for support until the loudness of the new voices ebbed away enough for her to think. [color=7ea7d8][i]'They've called for them.'[/i][/color] The kids in the hall could all hear her voice in their head, though she was staring right at Axel, her eyes narrowed somewhat as she walked past all the kids to stand beside him, her gaze softening when she looked behind her at the younger ones in their current makeshift group; Vale, Jain, Felix, and Lance. [color=7ea7d8][i]'And the guards are expecting a fight.'[/i][/color]