Pulled Out: [hider=Yukimura Shinon][center][h1][color=FFB6C1]Tidal Surge[/color][/h1] [hider=Civilian School Look][img] https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/cb/ad/d2cbad39b05b3793919c4d22b889eab8.jpg [/img][/hider][hider=Civilian Casual Look][img] https://i.pinimg.com/236x/6d/6b/37/6d6b37a1d450d4515557c60ef9ff519a.jpg [/img][/hider][hider=Costume][img] https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b0/cb/e3/b0cbe31f4a5be5c4f5cd056e8c0b99d8.jpg [/img] Additionally, a blue-colored cowl covers her pink hair, which has tidal waves inscriptions on it.[/hider][/center] [h3][color=silver]Civilian Data[/color][/h3][hr][sub][color=crimson][b]Name[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Yukimura Shinon[/indent] [sub][color=crimson][b]Age[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]15[/indent] [sub][color=crimson][b]Ancestory[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Fifth Generation Japanese | Singaporean[/indent] [h3][color=silver]Hero Data[/color][/h3][hr][sub][color=crimson][b]Epithet[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]The Water Hero: Tidal Surge[/indent] [sub][color=crimson][b]Characterization[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Shinon has two sides of her; one is a bubbly, sweet, and kind child with a slight bit of shyness because she is embarrassed about her other side. Her other side is a raging storm or tidal wave, which constantly gets slightly annoyed at any little thing that happens. The raging tempest side is also much more serious than her innocent side. She is the calm before the storm in a nutshell.[/indent] [sub][color=crimson][b]Support Item[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Nitrogen Flute: Using the Instrument, Shinon is able to compact heat energy, turn it into sound, and by creating friction with the water in the air, can turn the sound into the cold air, to which she can produce and launch icicles at her target. The sound waves allow her to precisely control her Quirk.[/indent] [h3][color=silver]Competencies[/color][/h3][hr][sub][color=crimson][b]Quirk Type[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Accumulation[/indent] [sub][color=crimson][b]Quirk Description[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=silver]Tidal Wave[/color] is a water quirk that primarily controls any water surface to become Tidal Waves. The size of a Tidal wave depends on her personality, one is a bubbly, sweet, and kind child, and the other is a raging leviathan that causes havoc through its immense sized Tidal Waves. 15 ft (4.572 Meters) height is for her sweet innocent personality, while 50 ft (15.1 meters) Tidal Wave Height is a more aggressive and serious personality. As well, the water that Shinon controls can bypass electrical currents. It makes it much easier for her not to be electrocuted by her power if her Tidal Waves hit anything Electricity-based. During these Tidal Waves, the water currents are intensely fast, which will drag people to their deaths if they decide to fight against it. The biggest danger to these tidal waves is the chance of drowning and how hard they hit you in their larger size versions.[/indent] [sub][color=crimson][b]Other Talents & Attributes[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Musical Talent - Shinon is skilled in playing the Alto Flute and the Harp. It is because her parents play these two instruments, primarily. Stamina - Shinon has an abundance of energy because of her swimming, running tendencies, and slightly because of her hyperactiveness. As such, she makes many strides to keep her skills in check. Speed - Shinon has an increased speed by the reason she always runs or swims. Always shows herself to the greatest of her abilities. It’s because she wants to be as fast as water currents.[/indent][/hider]