Xia kept a close eye on who came through the door, but they didn't look like they paid attention. They caught every detail of every person that came through the door in the split second they took their eyes off the game. Some conversations ensued, their ears picking up every word out of their new comrades' mouths. Some were in languages they understood, others in languages they knew of but never learned. They kept an especially close eye on the old man and the guy talking to him. The situation seemed tense and chances of a shoot out were high. They didn't stop playing their game, but they did slow down, waiting for the opportunity to move out the way once guns were drawn. It didn't come to that. A waiter came out of the doors everyone waited in front of. He looked like he'd seen better days. Bodies that gaunt made them think of Deep addicts. It could have been a number of things that made him look like that, but what was the point in speculating? Chances are they'll never see him again anyway. Either this is the last job they'll have with the person that contacted them, they'll die on the assignment, or the waiter will die from whatever that ails him. Xia wasn't the first to follow the waiter. They were content to follow in the middle of the pack. The hallway was unlike anything they've ever seen before. From top to bottom was covered in glass, short halls branched off from the main one, schools of fish that looked like experiments gone wrong swam passed the glass. They couldn't tell when they walked up that part of the building was underwear. They knew big money had to afford all of this, but not even The Snakes had anything this expensive. Or at least obviously expensive. The waiter led them down a staircase further under the sea. At the end of the tunnel were paper doors, shouting went on beyond them. That wasn't good. Xia knew that arguments could easily break out into a gun fight, though something this high class only had patrons that knew not to toe the line between dismissible offenses and retribution. When they passed through the door they were greeted with a bar, endless waterfalls and pools, and a man yelling at the person manning the bar. They couldn't under the man, Cantonese wasn't one of their languages. The chef spoke to the suit like they were having a casual conversation, before addressing the group. He spoke in Japanese, Xia's mother tongue as far as they know, and offered them food. Xia wasn't going to turn down a meal. They haven't eaten since yesterday, body used to skipping meals from a hard childhood with the Snakes. They sat at the bar, comfortable as ever with someone that feels a little bit like home. "Do you happen to have anything with yuzu in it?" Yuzu sake, yuzu glaze, yuzu anything, because they can't find it anywhere else other than Shin Ryushu Docking. A place with this kind of money and Japanese influence decor and uniforms had to have some type of deal with SRD. Perhaps imports of the good variety and the best versatile fruit known to the world. They could've looked at the menu, but they knew Japanese menus. Hundreds of options and too much going on. Best to save time and ask.