[quote=@souleaterfan320] *it reveals that within seconds, the entire colony that spans almost a galaxy wide area was overtaken, showing the process from lefover camera feeds from within the Amaranthine along iwth the descriptive texts, showing exact times and locations that were hit first* Coheed: we aren't entirely sure what this is, mucch less where it comes from. We've dubbed it Substance Morado, due to its purple hue. *looks to you* With no real understanding on what kidn of threat we're dealing with here, we arent sure just how to approach this issue. When you are ready, meet me in my office to discuss our next step. Coheed out. *the video fixes out, then below the video device, a compartment clicks open* [/quote] Hm. Troublesome. *Walks to my toaster and inserts a slice of bread*