[@Chev] Yaksha's face shone briefly with confusion... then barely restrained anger. He clenched his fists, before managing to cover it all with a courtesy smile. "I am sorry. I cannot begin to fathom why would you pluck me from such a critical moment in my timeline unless there was a dire need. Your wisdom eludes my understanding at this moment." The apparent young man said. [i]I didn't want to be rescued. What about Shin? What about Earth? How could I get back to them? Even if it means death, it's a battle I have to fight.[/i] The man gazed at the Supreme Kai for a tense moment, before saying a parting word. "Please do excuse me, m'lady. I need... to get my bearings about this matter." He added as he then flew off without waiting for further input. [i]Why!? Rescue me!? WHY! I'm not some creature worth of pity! I'm a battle tested warrior who has seen centuries of strife. Not some baby you need to coddle or a flower plucked at whim! There's a limit to your conceitedness, Supreme Kai![/i] He thought in barely contained anger as he zipped past the nest into other parts of the city. It looked certainly that it had seen better times, and an odd familiar realization hit. It seemed like Earth on past conflicts. But what kind of being could breach time and space and inflict such punishment on a Kai's abode? Few things could come to mind, and only one stood out over the rest. [i]Is it some kind of souped up Super Majin Buu? It seems my lack of luck still plagues me.[/i] He added. Still, there were the others so he wasn't alone. One signature stood above the rest. [@NacNak] Majin Buu was here. Nesting inside that forest of bamboo. It seemed to be in grief... also apparently had taken the shape of a female. Yaksha could never figure the creature out, as it was not unlike a child with way too much power and too little restraint. "So you're here too... you bastard." He said, as he began to hover around Eve. "Stay still." He whispered to himself. "It'll be quick..." He added, while powering up for a killing blow.