"A general direction is all I need," Bellua scoffed, his muscles tensing, then coming to relax. Under the surface, he was seething with rage and a lust for destruction, but he had a different goal in mind - one that required both his creator and the ones he traveled with to lay dead at his feet. Nothing else would bring him satisfaction until the deed was done. "I will return shortly," he spoke, his words fading as he left the cavern and proceeded down a long tunnel that seemingly had no end in sight. Before long, he emerged from the darkness, peering over a land which was enshrouded in a forest. With a low growl, he marched through the trees, leaving behind evidence of his being there in the form of a very small decay of natural life. It was what seemed like only a few minutes before he arrived at a lake, sniffing the air. Pupils dilated, he caught a scent. A few, to be exact, all of them humanoid in some way. Bellua smirked, laughing lowly as he followed the trail, disappearing back into the forest as he headed toward Kalmaysia Academy. [i]It won't be long now,[/i] he thought. [i]Your end is soon.[/i] --- Euclid burst into the main hall, stopping to catch his breath. He looked around frantically, trying to figure out where Rose and Leon could be at the current moment, but he was only here for so long and didn't know the entire layout of the place, but he at least remembered that he last saw them in the kitchen. But, GM was there - wasn't he? Shaking his head, Euclid clenched his fists again and started to backtrack his steps from the main hall back to the balcony that gave a good view of the cafeteria. Several moments later, and Euclid was staring at a hole in the glass, where he tossed a flower pot in hopes of distracting long enough for Leon and Rose to escape. There was no one inside as he carefully climbed his way into the cafeteria. The once existent doors of the kitchen were gone, and a huddled mass lay in the middle of the area in a crumpled heap, a dark liquid surrounding its form. He assumed it to be the creature that was attacking the ones he got separated from. Upon closer inspection, he found it to be malnourished dog, one that looked seemingly abused and mistreated. He winced at what he saw, covering his nose and mouth to keep from inhaling the scent of blood and death. Stepping past it, he moved further into the kitchen, looking around for any signs of life. "Hello?" he called out in a forced whisper, loud enough for anyone in the immediate area to hear, but not loud enough to hopefully draw much attention. As he looked around, he spotted a trail of blood that led to some type of secret door in the back of the kitchen. Examining its surface, he eventually pried it open using a pulley (albeit with a few failed attempts), peering inside to witness an escape into the Academy's garden. He crossed it as fast as he could, keeping as low as possible so as not to be seen, or so he hoped. Moving quickly, he followed the trail of blood as best he could before tripping and slamming into the ground, keeping from breaking his nose by his hands as he instinctively braced. Getting up, he looked around for the cause and find, somehow, a rather evenly corner sticking out from the rest of the dirt. Moving over to observe the extrusion, he felt across the surface with his fingers and gave a hard tug, feeling it jerk a little. Curious, he heaved and uprooted what looked like a hidden tile among the expanse of the garden. Dropping down into the tunnel, he eyed the long stretch he'd half to walk. He grumbled, inwardly complaining as he sealed the tunnel shut. Afterward, he started walking. [i]Some time later...[/i] "Oh, no, Euclid," he said to himself. "You could have just unplugged the computer. But, noooooooo. You had to click, and now look what you did." "Got yourself in this mess, guy." "Idiot." Euclid grunted, having slowed down from the arduous walk. He was lazily coasting to the end of the tunnel, vision pressed to the ground because he had no reason to look up in case there was a diverging path. It never came. What was the point? The answer came to him when he collided with a wall, giving a resounding "oof" in the process. Looking forward, he came to a stop in front of a wall that just so happened to have a set of ladders leading up to... well, he didn't know. Staring for several moments, Euclid's face turned red and he shouted. "Oh, come on!"