Vreta did accept the compliment without argument, though he was still not sure he would rate himself as a hero. His actions certainly had helped the Humans around him, but he acted more out of their mutual interest in self-preservation. Of course, he would not say that openly. The [i]perception[/i] of heroics was a useful one. Freyr’s last question made it obvious to she had been talking to in her mind, though Vreta found it particularly curious that she had she had said “we” had been invited to a club. Briefly, he wondered if the ambassador or the agent had some other plan in mind, or if they had simply been drinking even more than himself and Freyr. Either way, the idea was just too intriguing for him to pass up; he simply had to see where this would lead. “Well, there’s an invitation I didn’t expect to receive. A club is certainly a very different establishment to this one, but I’m still interested. Sure, I’ll join you.” He answered. Regardless of their new plans, they did not rush the remainder of their dinner. They filled the time with more small talk and discussions about their respective homeworlds, and for Vreta, another drink or two. He could tell that Freyr was a bit farther along in her inebriation than he was, even though he was not having his implants filter the alcohol. It was simply a matter of body mass as to why he felt the effects more slowly, but he could catch up if he wished to. [hr] Once their dinner did finally come to an end, Vreta did keep his word and joined the group to this club Kalax apparently frequented. They did not go immediately to the club from the restaurant, as the Humans insisted they needed to change their clothing before going to a new place. As his people did not tend to wear clothes, Vreta found the intricacies of Human customs in regards to their fashion to be entirely foreign, and seemingly arbitrary. The quality of the clothing that Kalax and the agent were wearing seemed to be quite high, so he was not sure what would make the change necessary. In any event, Vreta did not need to wait too long at Kalax’s home for the three of them to be ready to leave. In contrast to the places they had been so far, the flight to the club took them down a few levels deep into the city. Many parts of the Threria’s lower layers could not see the sky, so many areas made use of a simulated sky on the underside of the layer above. As nightfall had already descended upon the city, they were under a simulated night sky, but still with well-lit streets. Windows of the surrounding buildings could all be sufficiently polarized to block out any and all light from the outside, so they could control interior light levels as they saw fit. Despite the wealth Vreta had acquired over the years, he was still no stranger to the less than “high-class” parts of the city, and the club was certainly a far cry from the fine dining they had been enjoying less than an hour before. Nothing could be heard from the street outside, but once through the doors, the thumping bass and rhythmic beats of the music dominated the air, even moreso than the crowd in attendance. Although Vreta had never been to this club, specifically, but he knew how they tended to operate. When the lights were up and the hologram projectors disabled, the interior was largely a bland, white room. However, the sophistication of Rothian holography allowed the club coordinators to any illusion they so desired to tailor the atmosphere to the crowd’s liking. Such holograms were convincing to the point that, especially for tourists, one who was not previously aware could go through their entire night without noticing. Inside, the overall atmosphere of the club was remarkably different from anything Vreta had seen on Rothia, or Outremer, for that matter. Just a quick look around at the club’s patrons showed that they catered to more than just Rothians, as about half of them were of a mix of species, Humans included. The air was comfortable to Vreta, though still quite warm by Human standards. The club’s theme for the night made the whole place seem particularly vintage. The dance floor itself could be shaped and reformed to create platforms and objects, which were then overlaid with holograms to make the whole place seem like it came from a time centuries in the past. Granted, Vreta was not quite sure what culture this place was taking its inspiration from. If it was Rothian, it was from before his time.