[b]Name:[/b] David (011305) [b]Appearance:[/b] David's skin is chalky grey, his arms have small black thorn-like protrusions sprouting from his elbows up to his wrists. David has white pupiless eyes and no hair on his head. David is neither handsome nor ugly, just average looking. [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Weight:[/b] 145lbs [b]Clothing:[/b] David is outfitted with a skin tight grey body suit that covers his body from the neck down, and his arms are fitted with specially made restraints to keep his thorn protrusions covered. [b]Personality:[/b] David generally keeps his peers at a distance, he doesn't like to talk very much and keeps to himself. He fears that the other children think he is a monster. He would be described as soft-spoken and introverted. He wasn't always closed off but he had a friend once who grew very close to David and died because of him. David suffers from social anxiety and PTSD due to the trauma of his friends death, and has nightmares about it frequently but he keeps his friends death to himself. [b]Abilities:[/b] [b][u]-Phyllokinesis-[/u][/b] [b][u]Decomposition Manipulation:[/u][/b] [b]-Rot Inducement:[/b] [i]Whatever organic matter that touches David rots, and dies if in contact with him over an extended period of time. When he rots vegetable matter it is absorbed by him and converted into nutrients and sustains his hunger.[/i] [u]Points:[/u] 20 [b][u]Thorn Physiology:[/u][/b] [b]-Thorn Protrusions:[/b] [i]Small black thorns protrude from David's elbows all the way to his wrists. David can extend them out an inch to use them to stab things.[/i] [u]Points:[/u] 10 [b]Doctor:[/b] Dr. Ward [b]Other:[/b] Guards dealing with David wear full body shielding when interacting with him and he is always clothed in a full body jump suit, from neck to toes.