[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://s22.postimg.cc/gp97f0fgh/0d6dfff653297a5a4a906f57fac8107e.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/YRWL9Xc/Lance-Mira-and-Mary.png[/img][hr][color=8493ca][b]Location:[/b][/color] Stark Tower - Upper Floor [color=yellow][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[hr][/center] [color=7ea7d8][i]Guina do I sense a hint of jealousy for not being invited to join the Avengers?[/i][/color] Pietro couldn't help but ask her, though it was hard for him to not sound at least somewhat amused. To him it was somewhat funny for him to hear Guin being potentially jealous of anything. Of course he at least wasn't going to say that sort of thing out loud or whatever, but it was still funny to think about. [color=f7941d]"Wow Penguin, continuing with the hurt there, I am not a drama queen,"[/color] he protested, with a bit of a laugh. Lance gave Iris a weird look at her comment, [color=yellow]"...Why do you think that's important? Seriously, she ended up nearly dead because of a gunshot and needed a blood transfusion,"[/color] he responded to her, not really giving anymore of an explanation than that. Though to him he did wonder how she seemed to have relative ease controlling her hulk form while both he and his dad had trouble. Then again he wouldn't know what was going through his dad's head at the moment, since he was sort of MIA at the moment still. [color=2CFD01]"Your group here certainly seems like an interesting lot Lance,"[/color] She-Hulk commented, looking at the group. She was leaning up against the wall, and didn't seem like the typical person to just punch something randomly unless you did something to seriously piss her off. [color=yellow]"Yeah, well that's one way to put it..."[/color] he muttered in response under his breath. [color=red]"No, we don't,"[/color] Wanda said a bit bluntly to Neil with his question about baby names. Pietro shot a glare towards Iris regarding her comment about Vision, before turning to look at his sister again. [color=7ea7d8]"So, how is the toaster anyway?"[/color] he asked her with a bit of a smirk, knowing perfectly well that his sister didn't tend to like it when he referred to her husband as a toaster instead of by his name. [color=red]"He is not a toaster Pietro how many times do I have to tell you that?"[/color] she responded rolling her eyes at her brother. [color=red]"He's doing alright, not sure what he's doing at the moment."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Who knows what toasters do when they're bored."[/color] Pietro added with a bit of a smirk, knowing perfectly well that he was annoying his sister with the comments. [color=f7941d]"The main harbor in the city here would be that area, actually been working on tracking him a bit, and well, taking into account he always looks for an audience since he cares soooo much about what people think of him, he's going to go some place big. Think I've got an idea of where he might be. Based on just you saying that he might be somewhere near the harbor, or perhaps in the harbor itself."[/color] Tony responded in regards to what Runa said about where they had tracked Loki to, or at least partially tracked him to. Of course responding after he finished the theatrics with teasing Guin a bit. The wheels started turning in Mary's mind as she heard what Tony's thoughts on the subject were and his thoughts on where Loki could be. If he wanted a bit of an audience, a lot of people would just assume he'd go for the tallest building, but then again, he had done something like that before when he first attacked New York in 2012, so maybe he wouldn't want to be predictable? However there was one place that she could think of that technically was in the harbor, and would probably be able to get the crowd that Loki would want based on New York itself being a bit of a tourist trap if you didn't live in the area. [color=007236]"New York Harbor and wanting a crowd? Sounds like he'd want to hang around Liberty Island, you know, where the Statue of Liberty is? Probably would get a lot of attention if he fought people there. Though based on the tourist destination odds are there might still be quite a few civilians there. Definitely would get people to notice."[/color] she commented, looking at the others a bit. If they had to go deal with Loki on Liberty Island, they'd need to be at least somewhat careful of the civilians in the area. [color=yellow]"I mean that sounds like the sort of area he'd be in."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Makes sense in the long run, yeah this'll be fun. Let's just hope he doesn't plan on opening up another giant portal for an alien invasion again or something. But power source wise wouldn't be able to really do it from there, so we do have that going for us."[/color] [color=2CFD01]"If he's there, then we should probably get going before he causes any more problems for us, since let's be honest from what I've heard about him, he literally lives to cause problems, so this'll be so much fun now won't it?"[/color] [color=007236]"Yeah, fun is definitely one way to put it..."[/color]