[hider=011305] [b]Name:[/b] David (011305) [b]Appearance:[/b] David's skin is chalky grey, and his arms have small thorns protruding from the elbows up to his wrists. David's has white pupiless eyes, and no hair on his head. David is neither handsome nor ugly, but average in appearance. [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Weight:[/b] 145lbs [b]Clothing:[/b] Outfitted with a skin tight grey body suit that covers Jacob's body from the neck down, his arms are outfited with special restraints to prevent him from extending his thorns. [b]Personality:[/b] Jacob keeps to himself and tries to avoid getting close to his peers, because he fears that they think he is a monster. Jacob is soft-spoken and introverted, he spends a lot of his past time in his room and people have heard him sing but he denies it since it would embarrass him to admit it. He wasn't always closed off though, when Jacob was young he was very close friends with another child but at the time his ability to rot whatever he touched wasn't known to the scientists. He killed his friend and it traumatized him, now David suffers from social anxiety and PTSD from the event and he constantly has nightmares about that day yet he keeps the death a secret from his peers out of fear that it will alienate them. [b]Abilities:[/b] [b][u]-Phyllokinesis-[/u][/b] [b][u]Decomposition Manipulation[/u][/b] [b]-Rot Inducement:[/b] [i]Whatever organic matter that comes into contact with David rots, and dies if in contact with him over an extended period of time. When vegetable matter is rotted it is absorbed by David and converted into nutrients and sustains his hunger.[/i] 15 Points. [b][u]Thorn Physiology[/u][/b] [b]-Thorn Protrusions: [/b] [i]David has small black thorns protruding from his elbows up to his wrists, the thorns can be extended out an inch to stab things.[/i] 15 Points. [b]Doctor:[/b] Dr. Ward [b]Other:[/b] Guards dealing with David wear full body shielding when interacting with him, and he is clothed in a full body jump suit that covers him from the neck down. [/hider]