[center] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/L5r26P82/Star-Fox-Final.png[/img] [color=5edaf6]Level:[/color] 5 (2 -> 4/50) [color=5edaf6]Location:[/color] Sandswept Sky - Lakeside [color=5edaf6]Word Count:[/color] 1072 (+2 EXP) [/center] In no time at all, the volunteer scouting trio arrived at the compound just moments after leaving for it. Fox had little trouble keeping pace with the two fliers of their company, being naturally fleet-footed as he was, and perfectly capable of facilitating his own landing from the low skydive off of Naboris with a guided, curved thrust to drift him down and forward. With a couple of leading steps, he bounded over the fence after his compatriots in a full twist layout and continued making his way in unimpeded. It was oddly quiet and empty within, absent of any dead, dying, or battle to see to either. Of course, they knew the conflict had ceased prior to their departure, but even still there were no signs of an expected aftermath to be found. After a moment or two, they discovered what was happening instead, which only raised more questions, such as ‘why’. Fox was puzzled by their findings; that the two opposing sides seemed to be gathered together, casually socializing following their no doubt deadly territorial standoff (and perhaps preceding another). Seeing as they weren’t actively posing a threat, Poppi took the initiative to approach and make first contact, effectively compromising their anonymity, and since there was now no point in trying to maintain it, Fox left cover to follow suit. He kept sharp eyes out for anyone among the mercenary assemblage that looked ready to use their weapons, still ready to act as they made their approach and introductions from Poppi. Her attempt at a warm welcome and succinct explanation of their purpose there was met largely with rhetorical questionnaire or overall dismissal, and while Fox didn’t feel the need to directly answer the Soldier’s question, his answer was ‘yes’. Him and his lot (whoever they are at any given time) did indeed have a habit of showing up unannounced to intervene in ongoing conflicts; that was [i]exactly[/i] the type of thing he would do. Though, he wouldn’t have called what they had stepped in an “active warzone” as it was, even if it could be at a moment’s notice--a fact he kept well in mind as the conversation went on. A few of them begged to disagree, believing somehow that they had better things to do where they were, and attempted to turn the trio away before they could get a proper word in. [color=5edaf6]“You don’t seem to understand,”[/color] Fox piped up, stepping forward to draw the room’s attention. [color=5edaf6]“Believe it or not, like it or not, [i]our[/i] business IS your business,”[/color] he spoke generally to the entire crowd, in response to the Infiltrator’s comments. He looked about all of them as he continued to make his address, starting with the Soldier. [color=5edaf6]“You’re right about one thing: you are at war… you just don’t know it yet.”[/color] This statement would likely provoke a curious look or two from the group, so he began to elaborate. [color=5edaf6]“See that?”[/color] he asked, pointing to the titanic camel they rode in on, which would prove hard NOT to see. [color=5edaf6]“With or without us, that would have found its way here eventually,”[/color] he conjectured in half-truth, more aiming to make an example of it in his explanation. [color=5edaf6]“Consider yourselves lucky saner minds prevailed to tame it. It could have just as easily stomped through here raining lightning and reducing this place to dust.”[/color] He spoke calmly as he made his point, but still with the intent to make an impression. [color=5edaf6]“In case any of you feel like you can keep ignoring the world and all its problems, just know they won’t ignore you forever.”[/color] Turning back to face them, he continued. [color=5edaf6]“I hate to break it to you, but the [b]real[/b] war is out there. Some of us are already fighting it, while you’ve been missing it, and right now, you’re exactly where our--YOUR--enemies want you to be. Acting in circles, distracted, fighting your friends...”[/color] Fox prodded at them by reasoning believably sinister motives for subterfuge on behalf of a nondescript ‘enemy’, but also genuinely curious as to who that could be, suspecting there might actually be one. Being no stranger to fighting for sport himself, as arranged initially by a cosmic entity, he knew that these things didn’t happen on their own. [i]Someone[/i] had to be behind them. To that end, he was all but certain the combatants here were unaware that they had been hamster wheeling their way through fight after fight with nothing to show for it. All signs pointed to that being the working scenario, and their given time spent there clarified as much. The question was, could they be convinced to break the monotonous cycle of repeat conflict, or were they bound and compelled by ‘influence’ to sustain it until broken? In part, Fox was trying to test them to get a read for it. [color=5edaf6]“I doubt you’re all just here for a cheap thrill with no reward. I would know,”[/color] he related broadly while wondering over and casually snatching a filled shot glass from the bar nearby. [color=5edaf6]“So, if you think you’ve got a case to make for why staying here to keep doing what you’re doing is somehow better, feel free to sell us on it,”[/color] he challenged, expecting any takers to understand (or at least believe) they would have a hard sell to make. [color=5edaf6]“Or you can come with us, and do some actual good,”[/color] he proposed, this time more in earnest, assuming any of them cared to. [color=5edaf6]“Who knows, maybe you’ll even be rewarded,”[/color] he added in his pitch, appealing to the overall mercenarial sense he got from the group. [color=5edaf6]“If you really need a better reason, I’m sure something can be worked out,”[/color] he said, looking to Sectonia to better know how to handle matters of potential compensation, should it come up further. [color=5edaf6]“Either way, there are kids in that pyramid who need our help,”[/color] he gestured to the monument in question across the lake. [color=5edaf6]“So decide fast, and decide now. Stay here, keep shooting at each other to pass the time while you wait for an honest threat to kick down your door, or get on board, join the [b]real[/b] fight, and actually fight for something.”[/color] At the end of his piece, he shot back the mouthful of whiskey in his hand and gently knocked the thick base of the now empty glass on the countertop as he set it down. [color=5edaf6]“Your call.”[/color]