[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Alert⋮:.[/Sub] [hider=Penny Stat block] (21) | (21) | (20) | (8) | (4) (Metal & Lightning & Gravity) | (Regen & Copy Cat) (Bile) | (Tooth and Claw) | (Evolution) | (Enhanced Uniform) | (Imortality) (Monstrous Metamorph) | (Legacy) | (Enhanced Weapon) | (Dual Weapon) | (Gifted) (ShineSpark) | (Perfect life) | (ManaFont) (Vow:Hope) | (Excomunication) (Redirected magic) | (Second spec) | (Transport) (Broken reincarnation) | (Non standard limbs) | (Debt) [/hider] [/center] [color=9e0039][u][b]“Purification is real, I can promise you that, but I will never force it upon anyone who doesn’t want it.”[/b][/u][/color] Penny’s voice Echoed with some unnamed power at that declaration. Her Gravity adding weight to that Promise. Freedom to choose who you were was something that Penny cared for very strongly. She would turn her attention towards the table she had been sitting at earlier, before she was called to act as Queen. The potions she had set out were still there. Some had been picked up, but no one had used one yet. [color=9e0039][u][b]“You, and anyone here, are free to the potions. You will never have to pay for one, you will never have to work for one, and you will never have to take one. They are there for those of us who need them, and it will never be my place to determine who needs one.”[/b][/u][/color] In the back of Penny’s mind, she registered one of the camera’s she had set up around the permitter of the Sanctuary go off line. What had caused it Penny’s couldn’t tell but that didn’t bother her. Many of the camera’s were old or little better than simple webcam’s that she had set up. One shutting off wasn’t much of an issue. Penny gave Belladonna one last warm smile before a more serious look settled across her features. [color=9e0039][u][b]“You stand accused of murder, and of endangering the safety of the Sanctuary. Both of these things you have admitted to.”[/b][/u][/color] As she Spoke Penny’s voice would seem to fill the room even though she never raised her voice. [color=9e0039][u][b]“High crimes, but you are not without extraneous circumstances. Loss of control of a blackened desire that was forced upon you.”[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e0039][u][b]“Verdict is guilty. Judgement is Service.”[/b][/u][/color] A second camera went out, not far from the first one. Still Penny didn’t react to it, at least not openly. She was watching for it now. Once could be happenstance, twice could be coincidence. But if it happened a third time? That was simply enemy action, and Penny knew that she had enemies. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Service is as follows; Mandatory hours spent towards the maintenance or operation of the Sanctuary and mandatory work done in the name of the Sanctuary.”[/b][/u][/color] Penny kept her gaze locked onto Belladonna as she explain the broad terms of what it was she was being sentenced to. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Do you accept this judgment?”[/b][/u][/color] Overcome with emotion Belladonna could only nod and let out a quite “Yes” [color=9e0039][u][b]“Then you no longer need these”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would reply smiling once again as she broke the manacles around the wolfgirl’s writs open. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Come on, me, you, and Goblina will go over the de-“[/b][/u][/color] Mid-word, mid-step, and mid-action Penny would stop. Her attention snapping outside the building. A Third camera just went down. Slowly her head would turn towards the direction of where the third camera went down. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Goblina.”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would call out her voice suddenly very cold [color=9e0039][u][b]“Take Belladonna and let her know of some the tasks that need to be taken care of around the Sanctuary. When I get back, we can go over the details.”[/b][/u][/color] She would step back and around as she spoke moving towards the exit. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Monica, get the guard roused and ready. Someone is taking out my camera’s. I don’t know why. Be ready.”[/b][/u][/color] And before anyone could ask for more information Penny would leave; she wasn’t heading towards the last camera that had been taken out however she was moving ahead in the line. Towards the next camera in the pattern. The few girls who saw her face shortly before she walked out the door would have flinched out of her way on instinct, because Penny looked ready to murder someone. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [Sub] -=NightfallE=- [/Sub] [hider=Aurelio Stat block] (5) | (6) | (5) | (13) | (13) (Empathic & Illusion) | (Duplication) (Enhanced weapon) | (Dual weapon) | (Masculinity) | (Gifted) | (Eternal style) | (Awareness) | (Enhanced transformation) (Perfect life) | (Shine Spark) | (Transportation) (Excommunication) | (Vow: Kindness) [/hider] [/center] A small fact not widely known was that [color=A83450][b]Pain[/b][/color] was a lot closer to an emotional response then most people knew, it was why it was possible to hurt someone’s feelings for example. It was also a key reason why Aurelio always tried to avoid large scale conflicts. In small amounts pain wouldn’t register. After the ambush and counter attack for the ambush? Just standing in the wreckage of the front door hurt. That just made every little bit of pain he was feeling seem that much greater. Minor wounds in the long term but each one felt like they had been torn into him by dull rocks. Part of why he was able to keep going was Shock. His magician’s mark’s being snuffed out in mass was clogging his ability to processes his emotions. It was a Bad state for an emotion mage to be in, but a full-blown breakdown would have been worse. One which he only narrowly avoided. [color=fff79a]“Yeah I’m still kicking”[/color] He would say with a strained smile as he kneeled down next to Hyun a sputtering blue glow suffusing his hand as he tried to focus on healing what he could. And it was that sputtering glow of magic that told anyone looking just what state it was he was in. After all due to his Eternal style he still looked immaculate. The soft glow of [color=2e3192][b]Compassion[/b][/color] kept flickering in and out with splotches of [color=525B49][b]Depression[/b][/color] and [color=Brown][b]Frustration[/b][/color] mixed into it, and at the same time his cane seemed to be glowing an uneasy black. [color=fff79a]“Elora”[/color] He would say as he did his best to keep his magic stable to heal Hyun, even as he knew that he didn’t have enough stability in himself to fully heal her here and now. [color=fff79a]“I’m compromised and Hyun needs emergency attention.”[/color] His voice was strained and everyone nearby could see tears starting to pool in his eyes [color=fff79a]“Permission to trigger the Final Act and then retreat”[/color] He would flinch, violently, as Taihei fled. The surge of raw [color=aba000][b]Fear[/b][/color] nearly overpowering him in his delicate state. [color=fff79a]“Please”[/color] he would plead over the comms as he struggled to keep himself together for just a bit longer. Victoria’s clone was summarily ignored, entirely. She wasn’t attacking them and she wasn’t a target as far as Aurelio was concerned at the moment, but that could easily change if she turned hostile towards them. [hr] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191205/1259dabf7c97e732c0ddd286dc20d72f.png[/img] [sub]<>[/sub] [hider=Vivian Stat block] (6) | (10) | (10) | (10) | (8) (Corrupted Reinforcement & Oddball(Vicissitude)) | (Power) (Healing artifact) | (Enhanced Weapon) | (Training (Medicine)) | (Get out of Jail) | (Martial Training) | (Flexible) (Paragon) | (Blessing) | (Transport) | (Mana font) | (Magical overload) (Second Spec) | (Amorphous) (Vendetta(Beacon)) | (Arrogance) | (Paranoia) | (Monstrous Form) (Devourer) | Weakness [Fire] [/hider] [/center] Viva would give the axe a few experimental swings to test the heft of it, slow enough not to trigger its frosted enchantments. Melee wasn’t her preferred range to fight in but she was passable, regardless the icy effect of it was exactly what it was she wanted so she wasn’t going to complain too much. She would nod her thanks to Seppa, noting how the girl had brightened up at the positive attention towards her weapons. [color=#652DC1]“Have fun Reaver! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t”[/color] Viva would say with a wave but her attention would quickly turn towards Varjo as the two of them trailed after Alma, hand in hand [color=#652DC1]“I arrived shortly after the Ascendency did if I have the timeline right.”[/color] She would answer [color=#652DC1]“I used to be a Solo and I was working on a task for a Patron that brought me here.”[/color] Viva would explain with a sharp grin. This task of the Mint’s might even help her standing with Mother now that she thought about it, break this den and step in to help Penny with her next one. [color=#652DC1]“The task didn’t go as expected, but I still ended up impressing them enough to get my wish from them, though I do agree that it’s a shame that we never met before this.”[/color] She’d continue with a chuckle [color=#652DC1]“There was only one other person who seemed to enjoy things like I do but alas she seems to have vanished.”[/color] She would give an exaggerated sigh; Chloe was such a great find. It was a shame they only got to share one mean and one night together. [color=#652DC1]“Seems like things are looking up though~”[/color] she’d finish with a wink towards Varjo. [hr] [sub][@Ariamis], [@Flamelord] & [@PlatinumSkink], [@Ariamis], [@AtomicNut] & [@Flamelord][/sub]