[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200731/7b0275756646d73c6e29c8c33a546a01.png[/img] [color=B2E0DD]Location:[/color] Winton - The Cave[/center][hr][hr] He winced as the two men rushed past him, ignoring him completely. That went better than expected. He thought for sure he would be impaled. There was still time though. He smiled kindly at the dog and Dareen's calm banter made him feel less nervous. He carried his wood into the cave, silent as there was not much more to be said. Sybl began to build up the fire anew. The flame blazed with its new-found food. He began to purge his store of wood, creating quite a pile. He hadn't realized he'd gathered so much! He felt it was not his place to get between the two snarly Princes and the Black so he stepped back once the fire was built to his satisfaction. Fatima's sigh of contentment was all he needed by way of praise to know he had done a good job. He went to stand behind Dareen, which seemed the safest and obvious place for him. Her words caught him up and he smiled. He brushed against her mind in reply, [color=B2E0DD]'I knew she was different from the moment I laid eyes on her. Her act was convincing but her true self could not be hidden long. For as little as I have known her, it is not her way. She is far too bright.'[/color] He spoke with such pride, such delight to know this wonderful Queen. His only hope now was that she might accept him. And that there wasn't about to be an explosion between the higher-powered jewels within the confines of the cave.