Keeping her ears open seemed to be of a fortunate call on her part as her service seemed to be requested; just not in the way she had expected. Vi was used to the occasional request of waiting beside tables. Additional in-the-moment request of more alcohol was often a tried negotiation tactic between many of the secret deals where timing was everything. Even a lonely lad trying to hook up with a lovely dame might ask for one more last minute drink just to get a few more moments to try to woo the other party for personal gain. Of course, what topics one might discuss as she stood at the ready were never of her or any of her inquiry's concern. But that didn't stop her from keeping her ears open. To actually be included, however, in her customer's private matters were a first. Vi's face froze momentarily, unsure how one should react to be given such a heavy choice. She thought about what words she should say. In what manner was she supposed to reply? This was nothing like how she operated, even in her back room; could she even manage- A ring. Number 44 of the day, as her front door had let in another wandering spirit into her establishment. A split decision as her hand reached for the sealed envelope. Slipping it out of the curious woman's hands and onto the counter in front of her; an empty glass placed on top of it. A half-nod solidifying her decision, though her mind had already moved passed the moment. Already falling back into her business routine as the owner of the bar and finally addressing the woman who had just walked in. Already she had found her place confronting this meeting's leader; she wondered if this was the intended second gust. Either way though; it was clear how she already had plans to meet. Seeing the water from the soaked letter gather upon the bar, Vi had slid another glass nearby to her empty seat in preparation. Vi had looked at the guests quite closely; but especially with herself seemingly haphazardly thrown into the group, she couldn't find a reasonable connection between them. Other than the group orchestrator, it seemed the man hadn't much of a clue either. As for what went on in the underground, even Vi could probably tell him more on that; but that just proved to show a greater divide between the woman's chosen cast of characters.