[center] [h1][color=violet][b][u]Cadien[/u][/b][/color][/h1] & [h1][b][u]Illyd Dyll[/u][/b][/h1] [/center] [hr] Cadien had decided to go on a routine walk of Antiquity, when he came across something unusual: another god was present. Such a thing was rare, these days. Even more unusual was that it was a god he already knew. One he thought was gone. [color=violet]“Illyd?”[/color] Cadien asked, eyes wide, stopping just short of the Farming God. The god was leaning against the bulletin board, gnawing happily on the remains of a once plump apple. A sly vulpine smile formed after a heavy gulp. "Cadien!" Illyd stood up straight, "Hello!" The armoured god paused, as if not quite believing what he was seeing. Wordlessly, he began to approach, before finally they were close enough to touch and he threw his arms around Illyd. [color=violet]“I thought you were dead.”[/color] Illyd froze up on impact for a moment before offering a "there, there" accompanied with a gentle pat on the back. "Not dead, yet anyway." He snuck in a wink and detatched from Cadien, "and how are you?" Cadien took a step back, appearing somewhat embarrassed by the lapse in composure. [color=violet]“I am well,”[/color] he nodded. [color=violet]“Where have you been? I could not access your realm.”[/color] "Oh I was just taking a moment for myself," Illyd explained. "Everyone needs a little quiet hour or two. Prayers never stop though." He gave a goofy grin, "I recently got quite the desperate prayer, even. Or well two pretty desperate prayers." [color=violet]“An hour?”[/color] Cadien furrowed his brow. [color=violet]“You do realize that it has been decades?”[/color] "Oh what's decades to someone who remembers when time began," Illyd waved a hand dismissively. "What have you been up to?" [color=violet]“Watching over mortalkind,”[/color] Cadien answered. [color=violet]“Answering prayers, moving pieces. I must say, it is a relief to know you are still well. A number of other gods have disappeared, or sealed off their realms. It was quite alarming.”[/color] "We are all rebels to entropy, I suppose -- can only expect some to fall victim to it," Illyd offered grimly. "How is mortalkind doing in your eyes?" [color=violet]“Some areas fare well. Others poorly.”[/color] Cadien shrugged. [color=violet]“If you don’t mind me asking, how is your situation with… Diana?”[/color] "Long solved," Illyd patted his own chest. "Her personality is back woven into mine, as is Joab-Balaam's." Cadien blinked. [color=violet]“Who?”[/color] "Oop," Illyd chuckled, "That must have been before your time. Don't worry about it, friend! I'm all set and healthy." He tapped his chin, "Say do you know Boudicca?" He nodded. [color=violet]“She is my champion in Ha-Duna. Why?”[/color] Illyd's nose twitched for a moment, a smile forming, "She had prayed to me of course! But not before attempting to control the weather and harvest of her region on her own." There was a disappointment in Illyd's voice, "Oh icy rain and barren fruit. Tsk." [color=violet]“And what did you do in response?”[/color] "What do you mean?" [color=violet]“How did you answer the prayer?”[/color] "Oh I haven't, not yet," Illyd explained. [color=violet]“Hm. But you intend to?”[/color] "I do, she seemed rather desperate." Illyd paused, reflecting. "Very desperate." Cadien nodded again. [color=violet]“Her people are at war. And they’ve already endured much hardship these past few years. I offered her what aid I could, for the purpose of defending her lands.”[/color] "Oh I know," Illyd admitted. "There has been a lot of war in that area for quite some time - when she prayed to me directly, expecting my voice -- well I at first found it a little odd. Usually prayers are hardly so personal on my end, at least from humans. Her enemies also prayed to me, you know?" [color=violet]“She and her people are used to communing with the gods,”[/color] Cadien explained. [color=violet]“From what I understand these druids have a special connection with a certain few, even if half of them do not answer. Elsewhere, I suppose many mortals pray more out of habit or tradition than anything else.”[/color] "Oh trust me I know -- I'm one of those gods you're talking about. Even still, the druids who have dedicated themselves to my worship rarely desire a conversation -- usually trying to make rain or blessings in bountiful harvest." Illyd shrugged and leaned against the bulletin board, another apple appearing in his hand. "So you can see why I was surprised that a human would call upon me so personally, to most I work behind the scenes." He took a bite, and chewed for a while before continuing past a gulping swallow, "So I'll hear what she has to say, I am awfully curious about it." He pointed a finger. "Say you seem to know a great deal about that end, know anything about the other?" [color=violet]“I cannot say I do. From what I understand, they’re one of many minor factions Ha-Duna has clashed with in the past, and they refuse to overlook past slights. Their grievances may have merit, but all they’re doing is continuing unnecessary conflicts that should have ended long ago.”[/color] "I never took you for the judgemental type," Illyd seemed surprised. "But then again, I can't blame you if you have such a tie to the conflict. Either way they pray to me often, as do most civilizations feeling a little down." [color=violet]“Hm. Say, I don’t suppose you would be interested in visiting Meliorem?”[/color] "I don't see why not!" Illyd agreed. Then the two left together, away from the prying eyes of Antiquity. [Hider=Summary]Cadien finds Illyd in Antiquity. Cadien thought Illyd was dead. Cadien embraces Illyd lovingly. Illyd assures him he is alright. Cadien wonders about Diana. Illyd explains she is back inside of him as is Joab-Balaam. Cadien has no idea who that is. Illyd and Cadien talk about Boudicca. Illyd says he will contact her about her prayers. Cadien is like cool. Cadien doesn't know too much about the Celeviaks. Cadien wonders maybe Illyd would like to take this back to his place? They leave together. [/hider]