Hello! It’s been a long time! Lately I’ve been getting the itch to get back into role playing and I decided to pay a visit to my favorite website. I’m looking for a pretty casual RP partner, as long as your spelling and grammar is legible I do t really have any requirements for post length. I’m really just interested in finding people for do either MxF or MxM romance stories with. I usually prefer semi realistic slice of life or historical stuff but if you’d prefer to add some adventure and action to it all that’s fine by me as well. I’ll be playing an M character but you can play M or F. Off the rope of my head some of the parings I’ve had in mind are: Boarding School Classmates (MxM preferred) Members of a exploration group to colonial era America Spouse’s in laws romance High school sweethearts (MxM preferred) Short term summer/vacation romance story Brother/sister Older man/young man I usually play more submissive characters as that’s what I am in real life so any pairing in which my character has to serve yours is on the table as well and sounds very interesting to me and I’m open to any other parking you might have in mind! Shoot me a PM and let’s get it started!