[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201123/117f24ebf11c0a01c648eeafeb796351.png[/img][/center][hr] Auberon should've expected Derec not to recognize her; they'd only just arrived and few had yet found time to socialize. Unless some informal congress of the lower caste was miraculously set up in under a day, the commoners probably didn't know anyone from outside their quaint little villages anyway. Unfortunately, that meant he was probably out of luck if he wanted to meet this Orhneaht girl before class started. Sure, he could go ask around for her, but fumbling around the courtyard just to introduce himself was overbearing at best and desperate at worst. Hardly the impression he wanted to give. [color=ffd700]"I'm sure we'll see her later,"[/color] Auberon responded dismissively. The icy reception must've thrown him off, coupled with the surprise of House Leader being given to him to begin with. Either way, he was getting distracted; if he tended to his duties, the rest would fall into place as it always did. [color=ffd700]"I need to speak with Professor Kalonic anyway. Even with the... laxness he displayed earlier, I can't imagine it's a good look to keep him waiting."[/color] The boy took his leave from the classroom without regard for whether Derec was in tow and focused immediately on the professors gathered in the center of the courtyard. Luckily, someone already broke up Michail's little spat with the other teacher. He was likely a Golden Deer, judging by the skin tone, but either way Auberon certainly didn't recognize him from the Lions, which meant the young Galatea probably wouldn't be intruding if he stole Michail's attention. At least as long as no one started beating him again. What a strange way for faculty to act. The rest of the courtyard was about what he expected. Students mingling much like they'd done in the classroom earlier, others that were simply wandering about with their heads swiveling like a flag in a tempest as they tried to take in the grandeur of Garreg Mach. Were he not on a mission of his own at the moment, Auberon might've joined them. He still hadn't seen all of the monastery and he doubted even the year he'd be spending in attendance would be enough to dim its allure. If the church elders - or the [i]archbishop[/i] even - gave regular sermons, he'd probably have to be physically dragged off the grounds when he graduated. Nearby, Kellen seemed to have caught up with that pale-haired girl that had fled the room earlier. Auberon had to admit he probably misjudged the Fraldarius when he wrote him off as just shy, catching that girl on the way out could very well have been his plan all along. If Auberon was quick, that could be two birds with one stone. Hopefully his duties didn't warrant too much of an explanation on Michail's part. [color=ffd700]"Excuse me, Professor Kalonic?"[/color] Approaching the group, Auberon announced his presence and offered a nod to the other student before refocusing on his teacher, [color=ffd700]"You told me to report to you."[/color] [hr][@Hero][@Obscene Symphony] [center][img]https://fireemblemwiki.org/w/images/thumb/0/07/FETH_Crest_of_Daphnel.png/60px-FETH_Crest_of_Daphnel.png[/img][/center]