[quote=@Double] Hit > Jiren Yeah, I said it. Fight me. Hit has a more memorable character design, and a way cooler gimmick for his abilities. Their backstories are roughly equivalent in that neither one of them actually have one, but otherwise yeah: in my mind Hit is an objectively superior character overall. [/quote] Nah I agree. Jiren is about as interesting as a brick. Does a lot of damage when it hits someone in the head, but... Mind you, it was [i]briefly[/i] interesting to see such an indomitable character. We hadn't really gotten something quite to that degree before. I mean even UI Omen failed when it showed up the first time. Greatly misused though. Killing was illegal for the tournament and we knew for 100% certain that everyone would survive and Universe 7 wouldn't be erased, at least not permanently. Very little tension as we just waited for Ultra Instinct to finally kick in. And then they basically just made him Batman or every other superhero with a dead family ever. Hit didn't really need a backstory. He represented something we'd never really seen before in Dragon Ball, being an assassin with unique abilities and no transformations.