Hrmph! Is this the...[i]person[/i] they’ve sent to greet him? Wandering around Wormwood on the edge of indecency? You’d think he would have learned to tolerate the sting of disappointment, but life had to go and keep inventing bigger fools. Knows their title, and you might suppose that’s a lick of respect. At least that’s something. “You’ll have to speak up, Fool. It’s difficult to hear you above all the [i]mindless panic.[/i]” And yet, his sniff of disdain was perfectly audible. “It’s difficult to make out, but, hold on - it’s coming through, yes, yes, I’m getting something.” Cup a hand to his ear, listen, listen closely! “They’re saying...yes, they’re saying King Dragon’s loose in Wormwood Station? [i]My[/i] Wormwood Station? He’s broken through every defense and nothing can stop him? And he’s going to pull it down into his hoard? Oh no, how horrible, how [i]unfortunate.[/i]” The horror! The shock! See how he covers his mouth with both hands? That’s how you know he’s shocked. “How could another aspect of the Heart possibly get through the infinite defenses against intentional causality, why, imagine the odds! And that he’d have enough power left to cause this much trouble, oh, of all the rotten [i]luck.[/i] I’m afraid we’re all doomed. What a miserable, terrible, cursed end for my prison designed to contain [i]bad luck.”[/i] “[i]Clods.[/i] Can I not retire in peace?! Isn’t there a single person capable of following [i]basic instructions?[/i] I’d settle for half a brain, but that’d be asking for rudimentary division, and I have the displeasure of knowing who I'm dealing with.” He stomped irritably, venting his spleen to the uncaring ceiling, before whirling on the Fool, impatient fire burning in his eyes. “Well?! Has anyone pulled the lever yet?”