Amal was enjoying himself immensely with Emmaline's witchcraft. Back in Araby, sorcery had always been tolerated, though like everything else it was used to inflict people's wills over others, not that he could blame them. With Emmaline, it was always a pleasure to experience. Though it could lead to some problems. For instance, Amal and Emmaline had gotten so caught up in fleeing their pursuers, they eventually lost their way and the very road itself. Their hunters had long since lost their patience and gave up, and now the two of them found themselves in a small wooded area off the road. The two hardly noticed the subtle changes in the weather and wind, and as their laughter faded, they felt a small sudden shock to their shoulders as droplets began to fall from the sky. "Oh..." She said, biting her lip. "Oopsie." Lightning shattered the sky as the two of them stumbled out of the woods, their horses whinnying. Amal had a distinct feeling it wasn't from the wind and rain, however. His black hair soaked and matted to his face, he saw they were now facing a myriad of hills and low declines that served as pathways. The forest behind them was so light it didn't serve for shelter, but whatever these hills were might provide somewhere they could hold up. "We need to go back!" Emmaline yelled over the increasing storm. "No! These hills are hollow!" Amal said with surety, having robbed enough tombs and entered enough hidden caverns and sanctuaries to see the hidden signs of possible habitation. As if the gods themselves had sought to curse them, a lightning bolt crashed into the ground not a dozen feet before them. Emmaline and Amal cried out in surprise, and even Amal couldn't keep control of his steed. The mares bolted out from under them, charging up one of the hills and bucking wildly, sending the two adventurer's into the air. Amal was dexterous enough to reach out, grabbing Emmaline as she flew through the air before they hit the grass of the hill, only to fall through the very hill and into the darkness, where travelers of middenland dare not dwell. Within the bosoms of the Howling Hills. [@Penny]