Eliel was glad he got to finish his apple, before anything weird started to happen. He threw the apple core close to the floor, and heard something: a scurrying voice in the background. Was it just a mouse or something bigger? The half elven was opening his mouth to speak, when something exciting started to happen. The ground beneath the old man Vander started to fade away. FAde? More like sink. It wasn't the floor fading away or sinking. There was a hole in the floor, it was just hidden by a rug. The hole was a problem. Vander was sinking and Sohn dropped his oil lamp. There was no light anymore, but Eliel didn't even thought about the problems that would cause. Instead he was thinking about something else. A hole? Why it even was there? Someone would surely drop there if it was covered, so why anyone would do that? Eliel was thinking so hard that his normally smooth forehead was covered in wrinkles. Despite his hard thinking he missed the obvious: it was a trap. That's why the hole was covered. "Ha ha… well this surely [i]sinks[/i] doesn’t it?" Marglor's joke broke up Eliel's thinking. The young elven didn't know how to react so he just shook his head while grinning. However marglor wasn't all about jokes: he went to help Sohn and Vander. To be honest, Eliel didn't care that much if something happened to Sohn since he was always so mean to the elven kid. Vander on the other hand.. Eliel didn't want him to get hurt by all means. Eliel wanted to help Vander, but he was small in size and not that strong. He didn't know how he could help, even if he joined the others it wouldn't do anything. But the youngling wasn't dissapointed because of this. Instead he had another idea in mind. [color=seagreen]What if we just let them be? If they get dragged in the hole we just need to figure a way to get them out there!"[/color] Eliel was happy: small problems like those just made the whole experience more fun and interesting. This would become a fun adventure!