[CENTER][h1][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201027/1f2bd06d442d1bf1c9eece62417dfc4d.png[/img][/url][/h1][/CENTER] Arabelle was growing more and more impatient with this woman. She was about to take a step towards the door when Nisha blocked her path. Or at least would have made it extremely uncomfortable to squeeze by her and out of the bathroom. So, Arabelle gave Nisha an incredulous look and pointed at her arm. [color=804061] “I hate to be so stern with you, Ms. Nisha, but I don’t care if you come along or not.”[/color] [color=804061] “In fact, I would [i]really[/i] appreciate it if you would give me a ride. Either to a doctor or to the estate. Plenty of the Vanburen boys have had dislocated shoulders, so they could help me too.”[/color] As for the ram skull, Arabelle had no intention of giving Nisha any hint of what it really was. She kept it snugly beneath her left arm and almost didn’t answer Nisha’s question about it. Yet she figured that Nisha would need an explanation eventually if she needed to live with the Vanburens. Surely, if she was a Vanburen, she had to leave her old life behind because of their curse. [color=804061] “As for the skull, I’d really rather not tell you until we’re on Vanburen grounds.”[/color] With a sudden sigh, Arabelle looked up at the ceiling to wonder if there were any grounds to return to. She took a deep breath before looking back at Nisha. [color=804061] “You must have Ezra’s phone number, right? Could you give him a call?”[/color] She checked her pockets as best she could with one arm, but her phone was nowhere to be found. [color=804061] “I left mine behind.”[/color]