[quote=@vietmyke] me and Rtron worked out some stuff, I'm gonna be putting up a newly masterless padawan [/quote] I see the implication that Rtron is going to make an appearance. [quote=@Blackmist16] [@The Wyrm] However the general populace knew them well leading to inquisitors finding them easily. [/quote] I mean the Inquisitorus exists. Its been established that Palpatine had been grooming rogue Jedi elements in secret, but the secret part is key to that. We're legit just after 66 if the citizens of the galaxy knew about the Inquisitorus then I don't know how it was kept secret... I think its important to remember as well that the Jedi were so sparse that with Palpatine changing the narrative he led most citizens of the galaxy to believe that they had actually died out years ago. Within a generation barely anyone knew they existed.