On some boxes nearby sat a girl, Eva, by herself as she watches the people around her. Many here for similar reason as to her, for business, or maybe for something more personal. She couldn't tell by just watching obviously. Yet the gloom atmosphere in the air looms over her. The city of Lowick and not to mention the lives of innocence people were robbed by beasts unknown to anyone here in this camp, how was she to cope in a situation where it hadn't affected her directly? How can [i]she[/i] help people cope with their own loss? The answer to this question was lost to Eva as all she could do was sit an watch now as people went on with this long and drawn-out evening. [color=ed1c24]"...I don't like this."[/color] Eva mutters as she sat the plush back-pack to sit on her lap and had it face her. [color=ed1c24]"I don't know how to help with how the way the things are right now. Feels like I'll just mess up if I intervene or soothe anyone here."[/color] She sighs and furrows her brow. [color=ed1c24]"But then one can argue that I won't know unless I try. Yorik would say something along those lines and I can hear it ringing through my head already."[/color] Her eyes narrows at the doll. "That would be where I'd fight him over that statement." Blinking, she frowns. Yorik always seemed to have had the answers to everything to her. He was good at problem solving, logical, had good intuition and not to mention sound advice. It'd be now where she'd turn to him, except he was no where around now. [color=ed1c24]"...Ah, I wish he was here."[/color] By a glance, one could either assume this girl was talking to herself or the plush doll in her hands. It certainly was an odd sight for a woman of her age, but given the circumstances of what happened today one could take it as a way of coping. Eva was slumped over with the arm in her arms as she thinks over all that had happened. She empathized with those here in the encampment, to lose what you called home and the ones you loved is a hurtful thing to experience. The idea of even losing her siblings to such atrocities would've left her deep in rage and misery. [color=ed1c24]"I sorta hope nothing like this will happen at Zephry."[/color] A girl then soon approaches the encampment with each step a trail of flame on the ground. Yet, it was the scene of knight quickly gathering all around her is what brought her attention to her. Having not paid any attention as to what happened prior to her entrance, Eva was left to assume that maybe she was another refugee who found their way to the camp or maybe someone important. It left her with a quizzical gaze, but shook it off as she's sure the knight would have all of it handled. Looking back to her plush, she gives it a small squeeze with her arms. [color=ed1c24]"Tonight is going to be a long night..."[/color] She sighs and then spots a group struggling to put up a tent. [color=ed1c24]"An opportunity. So he would nudge me and say, I should help them out."[/color] Nodding, she hops off the boxes and slips her plush backpack over her shoulders. [color=ed1c24]"Besides, my expertise and judgement would be useful to help put up the tent anyways."[/color] She says as a slight confidence boost to herself as she began to walk over with a slight smirk on her face.