[@Odin] If that's how you wanna go, so be it the only part I don't agree with is the how he survives Order 66. If he was with Clones then, they would know and if he was in the temple, it doesn't matter fair shootin'. If you're concerned with your IC SW Knowledge then it may actually be easier to play someone low skilled but reasonably competent. If he's too much of a fool he wouldn't have passed the trials, and if he didn't pass the initiate trials he would have joined one of the various corps of Jedi-Regects. Which is a possible route you could take. I'm cool with him being inept but I'd rather not [i]Jar Jar[/i] levels of inept, which is how reading that comes across. I have faith in that even with your little knowledge you could write a character that could work. If you wanna discuss more/help then feel free to PM me, or I'm sure [@Renny] would be willing to help. [@Yam I Am] Yes you made it fancy, do I taste a hint of Wraith? Also I'm slowly adding more notes onto the thread. It's not important stuff, really, it's just background stuff that's [i]optional[/i] reading. Right now I'm adding encountered/recognisable NPCs to the top of the CS Tab, and in the future, I'll have a recap in the OOC of major events for new players. [quote=@Yam I Am] Also, [@Sep] are we free to post as soon as the sheets get approved, or should we all wait for a first post to come out? [/quote] I'm going for a hard start on Monday, as I need time to work on what I'm going to be doing. After that you're free to let loose. Just be warned [evillaugh] I will be watching what you do, and acting appropriately. I am your ingame A.I driving story [s]and totally not trying to kill you[/s] and making sure you have a fun time.