Captain Wei is content with the lack of questions, leaving the passengers to talk between themselves or sit in silence as the city slides by. The quiet rattling of the car fills the empty space, more stations and buildings passing. When Wei speaks again it’s not to any of the passengers, but to a small earpiece that her fingers rise to touch. “Here.” She says. A long pause follows, during which bad news is likely delivered. Something that makes the woman scowl at least, her lips tugging down before she responds: “Understood.” Dark eyes flicker toward the four passengers, as if to make sure they’re still in the spot she left them. She clears her throat after, beginning: “There’s been an itinerary change.” She gives a short pause before continuing: “We’ll be getting off in the next three stations, a car will take us from there.” More stations rattle by, the lights in each flickering and dim. Three more until the car slides to a slow stop. [hr] [center] [img][/img] [b]𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚕 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗[/b] [b]𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟿𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟷𝟽 𝙰𝚅[/b] [b] 𝟿:𝟶𝟽 𝙿𝙼[/b] [i] [/i] [hr][/center] The station that they arrive at is lit by emergency bulbs, cool orange lights set at regular intervals throughout the darkened hall of the station. The floors are tiled black and white, the walls and ceiling made of smooth metal paneling that reflect the meager lighting. Pillars run through the length of the station, as do half-walls of waist-high greenery. Rows of displays overhead scroll with cautionary text, repeated by a calming electronic voice at regular intervals: “--expected to resume within the next several hours. Please hold until then. This is a code white announcement: Travel along the Kei Line is currently suspended. Operations are expected--” The main power seems to have gone out, and the waiting passengers with it. The space is almost eerily empty, only a few clusters of people-shapes sitting in the darkness. Shapes that Captain Wei surveys briefly before she motions for her passengers to take their luggage and disembark. It takes a moment to do so, but soon the group is moving through the rail station, heading toward one of the long flights of stairs that leads toward the surface. It’s near halfway there when the world goes white. A blast of force ripples through the rail station, the impact hard enough to throw each of the four girls and their small entourage from their feet and to the tiled floor. Everything is a swirl of color afterward, disorienting noise and blurred vision. Both Crystal and Chie soon feel hands pulling them to their feet. Forcefully yanking them up and dragging them backward. It becomes obvious within moments that these are not their guards, but someone else. Tall figures in dark clothing, their faces covered by bone-white masks with jagged, geometric designs inked across the surface. They are neither gentle nor friendly, their gloved hands attempts to secure each girl as they retreat. Selma and Rivka come to their senses near the same time, both getting a view of those figures attempting to spirit their fellow candidates away. There are two per abductee, and though there may be more hiding in the dark it’s difficult to tell. Captain Wei and her soldiers seem to have taken the brunt of the blast, and none are rising quickly. Whatever hit the small group seems to have had more effect on them than the four girls they’re meant to protect. Which means they'll have to fend for themselves, at least for these precious few seconds.