Please note that this roleplay is CLOSED to newcomers. [u]Airengard[/u] [url=]Airengard map.[/url] In the land of Airengard resides a school surrounded with mystery. Led by the ever beautiful Lucia. The story opens on the dawn of our characters' graduation. It has taken much time and effort to reach eligibility to become a member of the sacred clan of dragon hunters who now are thought of as little more than a police force. Dragons have long been gone, thought to have become extinct ages ago. Unknown to our characters, Lucia has been working feverishly to unearth the incantation that has been locked away by the original set of dragoons. The spell to unleash the fury of the draconian horde once more. She finally succeeded on the same day that we (the greenhorn dragoons) reach our newly instated status. The school is thrown into turmoil and our characters barely manage to escape with their lives in tact. In the confusion Lucia escapes on the back of the infamous dragon known as Rugarth the Dragonlord. The fresh class of heroes vow to bring her to justice. That's where you come in. While in school our characters have studied the age old abilities known only as Dragonartes. Below you will find the full list of current Artes. You will only be able to choose two, so choose wisely. In the following months after the attack, dragons have taken up residence in the various cities which will be further explained below. The residents of said cities are forced to give tribute to avoid perishing. [hider=Dragonartes]Skyfall – The user ascends into the air, and collapses on a target from a high distance. Leaves the user open to aerial attacks. Drakkenhide – The user toughens their skin increasing endurance towards elemental forces. It leaves the user weakened once the effect wanes. Sadistic Crown – The user enters a rage, sacrificing durability for attack velocity. Whisper Haste – The user gains mobility and grace enabling for an increased dodge rate. The user becomes clumsy after. Esper Blessing – Enables the user to control the movement of mundane objects. Afterwards the user becomes confused for a short time. Scalding Palm – The user channels volcanic heat into their next physical blow. Explodes on impact causing scorches and recoil damage. Zealot’s Revenge – The user leaves themselves open for an attack, after receiving damage the user retaliates with a critical strike. Flawless Study – The user sacrifices actions in return for a perfect observation of an adversary’s attack pattern and skills. Forest’s Splendor – The user is able to communicate with the wildlife of Aisengard, but is unable to pass the information along. Angelic Shield – The user focuses a portion of his life into an ally, preventing harm momentarily. Skywalk (credit: Card Captor) - The user walks directly forward in mid air. Can not change directions while skywalking. Dragon's Wrath (credit: Card Captor) - Enveloping their weapon in energy, the user tosses it with great force. The energy encasing it adds to its penetrating power. Weapon has to be recovered afterward. Zephyr Dash (credit: community) - The user dashes with a burst a speed. Afterwards they are affected with a severe case of vertigo. [/hider] As you may notice each Dragonarte has a clear pro and con. [hider=Weapons]Daggers Sword (Short, Long, Curved, lightweight blades) Axes (one or two handed) Greatsword Lance Staves Rope dart Mace Bow (crossbow, long bows, and great bows) Claws Fists (martial arts) Sickle Halberd Polearm Tonfa Flail Etc. PM me for any weapon you do not see here. [/hider] [u]List of known dragons[/u] Morelth Lord of Ice Kalinth Bringer of Death Razeth the Clever Ator the Stubborn Taenth the Eternal Rugarth the Dragonlord [u]City List[/u] [hider=Vaneel]This small, crowded city in the mountains is best known as a bastion of neutrality. The majority of its inhabitants are involved in the black market, and it is considered notable for its underground labyrinth[/hider] [hider=Osorcul]This vast, sprawling city beside the sea is best known as the birthplace of a famous hero. The majority of its inhabitants are involved in pottery, and it is considered notable for its lush public gardens.[/hider] [hider=Estar]This smallish, not very populous city beside a river is best known as a center of science and learning. The majority of its inhabitants are involved in alchemy and divine arts, and it is considered notable for its series of elaborate fountains. This is also the home of Shattermane Academy.[/hider] [hider=Tarrin]This moderately sized city is crowded. It stands deep in a desert and is mainly constructed of adobe. It is defended by local militia, and its most noteworthy feature is the primitive castle.[/hider] [hider=Landow]This midsized city is overcrowded. It stands on a major trade route and is mainly constructed of timber. It is defended by spiked walls, and its most noteworthy feature is the remarkably beautiful women.[/hider] [u]Places of Interest[/u] The Molten Tides - This ocean surrounding the north side of Airengard is overtaken with red algae, giving it a distinctive blood red color. There has never been a ship that has gone beyond the horizon and returned. It is home to many feared creatures of lore. Sroz Timberland - This lush area is full of wildlife, and where Landow receives most of its constructive material. Lake of Glass - Somewhat of an anomaly, this body of water shows no movement. There are no lifeforms within or surrounding this water. There is a sickening calm in the area. The Canopy Prison - Deeper into the Sroz Timberland, the sunlight is drowned out by the canopy above. A host of top of the food chain predatory wildlife resides here. It is not advised to enter without a sizeable party and guide. The Ethereal Sands - This is the wasteland of Airengard that was once a luscious environment holding most of the realm's wildlife. It was the site of the final showdown of the previous dragoons and dragons. The Ebon Void Bridge - This immense bridge constructed of unknown materials connects the lower plains of Landow to the start of the Ethereal Sands. The Drifts of Inspiration - This river system flows through the heart of Airengard. It runs through the middle of Estar and disappears into the bowels of The Canopy Prison. The Frozen Heights - This collection of mountains houses Vaneel. It is very precarious and only the bravest ascend to the peak. [u]Race List[/u] Humans - Medium carrying capacity - Average standing with most races. Varies for each race but is tolerated in each community Orcs - Large carrying capacity - Average standing with other "greenskin" races (up for discussion on other tribal races), Hated fiercely by Dwarves, Disliked by the other races but tolerated Dwarves - Large carrying capacity (though limited by size) - Good relationship with Humans, Rivalry with elves (borderline unhealthy), hated by orcs, average standing with other races Elves - Medium carrying capacity - Average standing with humans (though not accepting of half breeds), dislike orcs, rivalry with dwarves. Half elves - Medium carrying capacity - Disliked by Elves, accepted by Humans, Odd relationship with dwarves and orcs (they are not sure what to think of them) [u]What I expect of you.[/u] *Grammar - This is a given *Dedication - While real life comes first, I expect you to expend the effort to post on a regular basis. If something pops up in real life, PM me and I will be understanding. *Don't join if you plan on dropping out - No description necessary (failure to comply will have you blacklisted from my future roleplays) *Creativity - Your character will have pros and cons, that's just the way it is. *If you are overpowered or cause issues, you will be warned. If the problem persists you will be dismissed. No exceptions. *Understanding - Just because characters may enter altercations in the story line does not mean that the player has an aversion to you. *Lastly, but certainly not the least; Have fun! [u]Character slots[/u] (Links to character sheets will be here) [url=]druple[/url] [url=]Caeramon[/url] [url=]Lucius Cypher[/url] [url=]Card Captor[/url] [url=]Soulserenity20[/url] [url=]Blackwolf[/url] Barioth Yog Sothoth This will change quite frequently so be sure to keep a check on it! [hider=Character Sheet] Appearance: Provide a picture of what your character looks like. You may also add your armoured appearance if you so wish. Name: What's your character's name? Age: How old is your character? Race: List of races can be found in this post, no manbearpigs. Hometown: Where is your character from? (must be one of the cities listed) Biography: What made your character wish to join the dragoons? Dragonartes: You must have two Dragonartes. Weapon(s): Try to be reasonable, a larger carrying capacity means more weight can be held. It does not mean you can carry six weapons. Roleplaying Sample: Two to three paragraphs minimum. [/hider]