Vreta had to admit the strangeness of the situation. Or at least, part of him recognized it. His mind was torn between his normal rationality and…something else entirely. He found himself easily losing focus and simply acting on impulse. Though, he did not feel that he had entirely lost control. He just no longer felt the need to observe certain inhibitions. Vreta did not react immediately to 595’s hand on his snout. Even had he been completely lucid, he might not have known how to respond right away. Though, in this case, it was laughter that he replied with after a few seconds. “This is your dancing? Well, I guess I should join in instead of just standing around.” For a while, Vreta made no effort to fight the impulses of his clouded mind and instead simply allowed him to dance with the agent and Freyr in whatever ways came to mind. Vreta was someone who had practiced dance in a more professional setting at one point in his life, during his more artistic phase. Although, that experience was five centuries in the past. He had, of course, had cause to dance recreationally in the intervening years, his instinct still wanted to call back on that practice he had drilled into himself so long ago. There was a certain grace and fluidity to his movements, but they still came at a fast, almost chaotic pace to match the temp of the music filling the air. The crowded dance floor meant that he was starved for much of the space he needed. He was not uncoordinated, but there were a few times that unexpected movements in the crowd caused him to bump his considerable weight into strangers, friends, or both. Overall, the one Vreta danced the most closely with was Agent 595. At first it had been to pull her attention away from Freyr, but that motivation faded the more he allowed himself to become lost in the moment. He made the most use of the limited space he had by dancing around and between 595 and Freyr, depending on who his partner was at the time. Eventually, his motions brought him back to the Agent, whose hand he took in his own as he pulled her closer to him. He moved himself to her side, whipping his tail around behind her. The “correct” response was to entwine her tail with his own, but for a Human, that was obviously not an option even if she had known. For the most part, he just ended up slapping her with his tail, then wrapping it around her waist.