Crystal sat in silence for the most part, listening and learning about the other girls. At one point they had all exchanged information on where they were from, but luckily she managed to get away with not saying her last name. Soon enough, the Captain announced that they would be leaving the train in three stops, so Crystal put her headphones down completely around her neck and shut off her music. The flickering lights made her feel even more uneasy, so she wanted her full attention on her surroundings despite also wanting her music to calm her down. As they arrived at the station they all gathered their luggage and left the car, only to be hit by a blinding light and powerful shockwave throwing everyone to the ground. The next thing she knew, there were two figures trying to drag her backwards away from the others. Crystal panicked for a moment until her eyes readjusted and her training kicked in. She still had her backpack on, adding to her weight, so she jumped up and threw her legs out behind her to land on the ground and push forward, stumbling one of the figures. Next she used the advantage from that stumble to crouch backwards slightly before jumping forward and using the leverage from her arms being held to kick her legs upwards as if doing a backflip, twisting her arms in the grips that were holding them and leaving nearly 180 pounds of weight hanging midair that the abductors were trying to keep hold of. Finally she used the leverage given to her by them once again to throw her legs downwards and back onto the ground, twisting free from one of the attackers as her weight shifted too much for them to keep hold. The entire process was quick, about six seconds, and was quite painful to Crystal's arms, but it was worth it to escape. With her left arm free Crystal turned and punched the other figure holding her right arm in the throat as hard as she could, leaving them gasping but still holding on tight to her arm. Deciding that hurting her arms further wouldn't make things much worse than they already were, she jumped backwards slightly and kicked midair with both feet towards her captor, hurting them and pushing herself away from them at the same time, causing them to lose their grip on her and for her to fall backwards, hurting her back as she fell onto her backpack. One backwards somersault and a lot of stress on her back later, she was crouched near her where her luggage had fallen and was ready to fight, slipping her backpack off quickly.