[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/n83XcHK/Webp-net-resizeimage.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=F3E010][b]Location:[/b][/color] the Hall of Baldur [color=F3E010][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr] Sparky glanced over at Amelia when she asked what a Skrull was again, since she had more or less explained that not too long ago, and she had to hold off on rolling her eyes at her. This was definitely going to be a fun day, since they clearly had to deal with the shapeshifter that had been posing as Maria for a while. Suddenly she calmed when Nanna spoke, and she nodded her head slightly when Raynor spoke and explained why he had started bawling like a small child almost. [color=F3E010]"Sorry for the electricity, but it was for me to mainly get her to show at least partially her true form..."[/color] she said to Nanna. Her attention turned back to Amelia and her question about what a Skrull was. [color=F3E010]"Unfortunately we don't know a whole lot about Skrulls, aside from a few of the basics. From what we know they are shapeshifting aliens that can look like anyone... What we know about them partially stems from... Well... When one looked like Raynor and then ended up getting killed..."[/color] she admitted, not sure what else to really say. Sparky in truth had been trying to avoid the admitting to Raynor that someone had been impersonating him, but at this point she was figuring it might be better to just spit it out. [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/FYkpK1d/Rossi.png[/img][hr][hr][color=303DFF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ellis Island: Field [color=303DFF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[hr][/center] Well, knowing that aliens were real and seeing one right in front of you were two very different things, so it was still taking a little bit of time for his brain to acknowledge that. To think that his brain used to process things faster, then came that whole thing messed with his head, a hell of a lot. His brain never really had recovered from it, so it processed things slower then it used to be, so after a few moments and Matt's words, he finally snapped out of his slight stupor, just in time to get slammed backwards by something that had gone through his suit, and it was hurting a hell of a lot. [color=303DFF]"Shit that hurt,"[/color] he muttered under his breath as he somewhat managed to stumble a bit backwards from his own injury. That was definitely going to leave more then a little bit of a mark, and he likely was going to need help with regards to getting medical attention since this was not going to end well especially if he stayed here. They had to deal with what looked like an alien invasion or something, and now was not the time to have to worry about serious injuries yet. There was a strange shadowy thing in the sky though that looked to be heading their way though. [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/hfTsc9h/Alexander-Jakobsen-500x400.png[/img][hr][hr][color=2d5eb9][b]Location:[/b][/color] Skrull Transport Ship -> Ellis Island [color=2d5eb9][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[hr][/center] To say that the day ended up being a bit interesting to say the least, since he hadn't expected anything to do with aliens to really pop up. That is to say, shapeshifting aliens to be specific. It had been one of his Secret Service agents who knocked him out, since one minute he was in his office at the White House, and the next minute he was waking up on an alien spaceship who knows where. This was clearly going to be a looooooong day, that much he knew for certain. His thoughts shifted more from how the hell he got onto that ship more of to one simple thought. Escaping. It didn't take too much, especially when the alien near him hadn't expected him to wake up and fight back like he did, but he managed it. Along with taking the Skrull out, he took its weapon so now he was on an alien spaceship, and he was armed. Now he ended up seeing a few more of the aliens, and even though he was clearly outnumbered, that never really stopped him from doing things like this before, so he did what any sensible person in his position would do. He started firing off the weapon that was in his hands. They started shooting back at him, but that didn't matter as he managed to take them all out entirely. When the last one hit the ground though, that's when he noticed the ship begin to shift downwards and he fell backwards from the sudden shift as he noticed that somehow in the crossfire someone (whether it was him or one of the Skrulls he had no clue) had shot the controls for the ship. Getting up, Alex went immediately over to try and figure out if he could [i]maybe[/i] land the ship. Of course there was the problem of he knew how to fly planes, not alien aircrafts. So in reality he had no idea what he was doing, and he saw that the ground was starting to come up fairly fast, but he did manage to shift slightly with the controls to maneuver it in a direction he was hoping was at least [i]somewhat[/i] away from people. Then the ship slammed into the ground. To those who were in the field at Ellis Island, they'd notice one thing mainly, aside from a space ship heading right towards them, but they'd see the spaceship manage to slam and take out all of the Skrull Avengers all aside from 2; Skrull Mister Fantastic and Skrull She-Hulk. The ship skidded on the ground when it hit and eventually stopped. For Alex on the ship, the crash was a bit more painful, as he went flying forward and slammed his head into a console. Once he snapped out of the daze, he got back up, he had a pretty nasty cut on his forehead, a few cuts here and there and several bruises, but hey, he was still alive and kicking and that was all that really mattered. He stumbled out of the cockpit and [i]somehow[/i] by some sheer dumb luck, he managed to find the door off the damn ship. Though he was taking the gun with him, no way was he going outside at this point without it, and he headed out. The first thing he noticed was that for some reason it was freezing and there was a damn blizzard going on. The second thing was that he noticed several people who were out and about, and he saw one person that he easily recognized. [color=2d5eb9]"Hello Agent Reed, it's been a while,"[/color] he called out to Cass, before he looked around to see where exactly he had crashed as he stumbled a bit walking forward, still somewhat unsteady on his feet. He was also really hoping he didn't kill anyone but aliens at this point, that would also be nice, so he was somewhat relieved when he saw that they were in a large field more then anything.