Alice kept her smile throughout the barrage of the old lady's instructions and sweetly replied with: [color=ed1c24][b]"We understand Ma'am. Francoise will come back without incident, even if I have to throw myself in harm's way. Though, if you don't want to use a leash, a harness might work better since it will only hold onto his chest. Just a thought for the future-"[/b][/color] she said before cutting herself short, eyes narrowing as she sniffed once, smelling the mouse that was approaching. [color=ed1c24][b]"Brandy! Don't play with mice!"[/b][/color] she said, before very sternly staring down the field mouse, arms crossed. She needed to at least set the example that they could handle a small animal like a mouse...and a much larger animal like Brandy. Setting her eyes in an intense gaze, she would stare down the field mouse, raising her tail behind her. [color=ed1c24][b]"Don't you worry Ma'am, I'll protect Francoise from anything! Even things more threatening than that mouse. Like children. Or...children-sized mice."[/b][/color]