[quote=@Sep] [@Odin] [hider=Review] I really like how you've balanced him into someone who, a lot of the time, doesn't know better. I love, love, love, what you're exploring with the concept of him not knowing what to do without a master. If you want me to still make an NPC to find him and help guide him let me know. [img]https://img.cinemablend.com/filter:scale/quill/2/c/2/a/a/8/2c2aa85d184b1703c847ad3e11ca8155d329d78a.jpg?mw=600[/img] Jar Jar approvesa. Moi moi good character sheet[/hider] [/quote] I thought about it a bit, you know, I've RPed with you before long ago and I always thought that you're a great roleplayer, so I wanted to consider the option for a master, but ultimately I decided against it because I feel like it'd give him an easy way out -- the whole point of the RP, to me, is to thrust a bunch of people into the unknown with no real goal or purpose. They're all lost. Having a jedi master to just tell my guy what to do would be antithetical to that, I found. I also thought that, eventually, the cast of the RP would need to come together to really form a cohesive plotline together, so inevitably he'd meet other people and there are a few characters that I believe he can meet on Coruscant right now organically without us needing to shoe-horn it in because I'm an SW noob. :hehe