"Nooo!" Sohn cried, lunging forward in a vain attempt to catch Vander. But he was not faster than gravity. Fortuna barked several times, unhelpfully dancing around to the opposite side of the hole. Desperately, Sohn uncoiled his rope as Vander's screams filled his ears, even managed to start lowering it down the hole, but too late. [i]"Ha ha well.. it guess he DIDN'T have a great fall!"[/i] Sohn's horror stricken gaze slowly moved from the acid hole to the halfling, taken aback by the comment and the following laughter. [i]He's insane.[/i] He looked down the hole again, searching for even some kind of remains that they could take back to Vander's family. Nothing. Belatedly, he looked over toward Eliel. When it mattered, the kid had done nothing. It wasn't a fair thought. Likely, there was nothing Eliel could have done in time to prevent it. But it still reinforced Sohn's notion that he was, at best, unreliable. And the woman? She'd been just as useless... Wait? Where was Sunne? "Where did the woman go?!" he demanded of Eliel since he was the one standing closest to where she'd been.