[quote=@souleaterfan320] *chuckles* alright, then. I excel primarily in the department of ranged and energy based attacks, with a few concussive physical attacks at my disposal. See what you can do to match that. *looks towards King* Let's end this punk, I'm tired of seeing his face. King: ohoho, cocky are we? Despite the fact you litterally just spouted out your available cataloue of attacks? Well, then. *my skin glitters with a pruple hue* [i]Let's see how you fair.[/i] *with a audible crack through the air, I flash toward mierno in an instant, landing a solid punch to his sternum* Mierno: *my physical form is luanched backward, my feet digging into the ground as I slide to a stop* Nice. *I meet King's speed, pucnhing him square in the face with a concussive blast to follow* [/quote] *My left hand begins to radiate a flourescent cyan energy in rhythmic waves, and I swipe it through the air between us, closing the gap between you, King, and myself as the space itself is cleanly obliterated, and kicks King with equal force and opposing direction to Mierno*