Well let's start with the first question, the problems I have had in roleplaying as a whole. Not to mention the 45 dead RP's in a year within that span of joining but somewhere else I had 85 dead rp's in a year of joining that before it doubled to 95. The problem overall for me was taking those of interest and they either never replied back to me after I posted the starter or even dropping it in the planning phase. I have taken advice on how to at least try to get interest but they haven't worked at all, even after doing it. As for me, I keep trying to find interest but no one outside of very few even bite and even then the staying power for me is so lacking. Longest RP I had was one year before that person ghosted me and I felt betrayed by that as it was so sudden and abrupt. General interest wise, I feel I am diverse enough to qualify for just about any sort of potential interest as a whole but when no one bites the characters I have for them I may as well keep close because I don't want to be left hanging by ghosters ever again and then seeing people coast on without much issue in comparison to myself is more frustrating as a person to see person A, B or even C get interest where as I don't at all no matter the effort I have put into my IC's.