[quote=@TGM] If it is a chore to finish a RP, shouldn't you call it quits before it gets to that point? If you aren't having fun and are just doing it to be a completionist it just seems weird to me. Sometimes the best thing you can to do is pull the plug and move on. [/quote] Why learn how to play the guitar? why learn how to draw? Why play ultra-difficult videogames? Why pursue a hobby you will never perfect when easier alternatives exist? Because nothing worth doing comes easy. For me, completing my Danganronpa RP was a very rewarding experience. But it's not something I recommend for everyone. I'm not sure I'll run another RP like that any time soon, not for four years anyway, haha! I suppose around the 2 year mark there was a lot of drama and it was tempting to pull the plug because things were getting hard. But if I did that, I never would have been able to experience all the highs that came in the third and forth years of the RP. The energy levels are lower now that there's just a few players left, but it's really fun to see how excited they are. I still keep in touch with many of the old players, and I don't think they would remember me as fondly if I pulled the plug on the RP while they were still having fun. I only bring up that some RPs are a chore because I think a lot of people think you just start an RP, have fun, and then the end just sort of happens. But the truth is most RPs that finish require some amount of sacrifice to get to the end. You need to compromise and work with others even if you are the GM. I think there are some people who will never complete an RP because they just want to follow the fun, and that's fine.