Look at Interest Checks for RPs that haven't launched yet. And for f***s sake don't talk about your luck in them. You need to put your best foot forward. Part of RPing is being sociable and confident enough that people think you can join their little story, get along with everyone, and add a little to it. Keep checking Free/Casual/Advanced. Find a few stories you'd like to join. Develop some character sheets for them. Save the Character Sheets in case the RPs die. Subscribe to the Threads. Wait. While you're doing that settle on one RP concept you really like and go all out on it. Develop the setting. Do the formatting up nice. It may be flash to you but to others it's a fundamental part of the experience. If you want others to join you you have to appeal to them a little. It's why men don't live in caves with dogs gnawing on bones. We want partners. Edit: For clarity both man and dog is gnawing on the bones in that little story.