There are several examples of Good or Decent formatting in the OP. Here is an example of great formatting and presentation and all that. I remember her work even though I've never done an RP with her because it's that fucking purty. OOC OP Character Page Every character has their own color, making it easier to know which character you are reading if you lose track. OOC OP has a great format. Title (centered) Little Divider Line Things Blurb about the RP and Setting More Divider Line Things Personal Introduction from the OP Rules Character Info/Guidelines Deadline and Discord Link Next Post is a list of all the Characters Fucking aces. Then you go to the Characters Sheet. Fucking Aces. All of them have plenty of information and stylish face claim things that usually tell you a little more about the character just from the images used. Half of these Character Sheets have more effort put into them than 90% of my Interest Checks. Aces goddamit. One day I'm joining one of these as the asshole alcoholic groundskeeper/janitor and I'm gonna have a blast.