Feel that way if you want man, but realize saying that over and over makes you look really bad. This shit is social which means its based around relationships. There are plenty of folks here I don't get along with outside of the forum but I don't bring that shit to the forum because I might still want to RP with them. It's social shit. If you go around saying "Man I sure hate getting ghosted all the time, they're honor bound to keep posting with me" it's not quite the same but comes across similarly to me going on a date or hanging out with friends and saying "Man I sure hate my friends not including me in everything" or "Man I sure hate women not going on a second date with me or etc etc etc." It makes folks wonder why people ghost you and if perhaps they have made a mistake by starting this with you. The luck stuff doesn't help either. Best foot forward means presenting yourself as, which ultimately means BEING, someone that folks would and do want to hang out with. If you're telling them how no one ever sticks around to RP with you, particularly if you are complaining about that and saying people should be punished for ghosting, they are not going to want to RP with you. It is a self fulfilling prophesy. Someone said it earlier but its the same as the Nice Guy phenomenon. If I meet a woman and things are going good and I say "I hope you go on another date with me, women never want to go on a second date with me, they never answer when I call, I hate it when they do that, they shouldnt be able to just ghost me, I'm a nice guy" it's not going to go over well. It's not the same thing as RP Ghosting, but you can see the similarities and even if you specifically can't most folks can.