You can expect 100% commitment my dude but you are never going to get it. We are strangers. This is a hobby. No matter how good an RP may be it is going to come in Second or Third or Fourth or Twentieth to a good number of more real more substantive life issues. If you want 100% commitment, if you expect 100% commitment, you should state as such in your Interest Checks but I guarantee you if you do you will get 0 takers. You can hate being ghosted with all your being, that is not going to eliminate it. It's something we all experience, it's something we all do much as we try to avoid it. It is a reality of the hobby and something you need to come to terms with if you are going to continue in the hobby. And TGM doesn't appear full of him/herself. Poo does. And rightfully so. Have you seen those biceps. Boy ah tell you hwat if you put me in the closet with him for 15 minutes of heaven hooo weee son ah'll tell you hwat. Mmmmmm. Oh yeah. Hot dog. Hooo weee. That's a spicy meatball.