[quote=@rebornfan320] [hider=My Idea on ghosters] For me, I just seen myself as the one getting ghosted and with no explanation as to why. Being left hanging on starting phases of RP's and even starting them only to never get an answer back from them is one of the reasons I fight so hard against ghosting because I feel in my perspective it is dishonorable and cowardly to do that to someone and to constantly having to put up with it no matter what advice or action you take and still not get a long-term RP partner is very demoralizing. [/hider] [/quote] I understand this mentality, but this is where I think the problem you have with RPing lies. Gonna be redundant here, but it's a fact of life. It [i]sucks[/i] when an RP dies. It [i]sucks[/i] when you get SUPER ready for an RP and then something happens. God knows I was so fucking ready for Destiny's Call and then Reia just dipped ;-; But you can't hold it against people. You really can't. Shit [i]happens.[/i] It happens a LOT. People get ill, they have to move, they go to school, they drown under homework, depression. There are so MANY things that happen to everybody. So much of it is uncontrollable. So much of it is inevitable. And, sometimes, people just don't have the time or energy to say something. Obviously it would be GREAT if everyone could, but everyone has their own circumstances. Maybe someone's house fuckin burns down and they're left without internet access for a whole three months. I'm sure the first thought in their mind isn't "man I really gotta tell my RP partner that I can't respond." It's probably more like "holy shit my house burned down with all my valuables and I have to get my life back together and find another place to live and survive." And you [i]definitely[/i] can't fault them for ghosting in that situation, right? And of course, that's an extreme. Of [i]course[/i] most of your partners or groups won't be dealing with something as heavy as that. Most of the time it's just motivation, or schoolwork, or any of the things I said above and more. The key thing is to remember the human. There's another person there on the other side of the screen. There's someone else typing out their own worlds, characters, stories. There's another person dealing with their own set of life circumstances. You have to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I'm never going to call or even [i]think[/i] of someone as cowardly or selfish. I'm NOT them. I [i]DON'T[/i] know what's going on in their head. It's up to them to share it. If they don't want to, that's FINE. It's their life, they can choose who to share it with. I can't be so conceited as to make a judgement as to one's character because of something I don't and will never know. Because at that point, it will start to feel like everyone who ghosts has something against me. It leads to... not good things. Please, I'm begging you. This is the one thing I want you to take away from my long-ass message. Please don't think of others as cowardly or selfish for ghosting. You don't know what's going on in their lives. You don't know what they're going through. It's simply impossible to make a judgement like that. Ghosting happens. What you need to do is [b]let it go, and move on[/b]. Please, remember the human.