[quote=@Icy Hot] [@rebornfan320] yo, relax. Write a book. Write some poems. Go meditate. Get a tarot reading. Do something good for your mental health and spirit. I’ve read and skimmed through this thread, everyone is giving some quality advice from their own [b]years[/b] of experience. You’ve repeated the same set of sentiments again and again in the span of 10 pages. 100% take some time to step away from the thread, reflect on what you’ve tried to get across, and reflect on how people have responded to it. 100% no one cares enough online to [i]really[/i] try to bring you down or lead you astray, at least no anyone that’s initially replied to this post or to you. Going back and forth all night is at this point redundant and a waste of time. At the end of the day you’re in charge of your own life and choices and that’s where this all starts and ends. Seriously take time to reflect on the things you’ve experienced, find what you had the power to change and what you couldn’t do anything about. The things you can’t do anything about forget about them, the things you can work on it. Nothing in this world is permanent, especially not online and especially not with people. Your suffering comes from expecting permanence from perpetually changing things. It’s a hard thing to change your perspective on but when you can change it, it makes things a whole lot easier. [/quote] yeah what the buddhist said