[quote=The cool old man that is my father.]"It doesn't matter what you do right. People will always remember the thing you did wrong."[/quote] [color=silver][@rebornfan320] Getting ghosted sucks and not finding any interest in what you're about is equally terrible and I know that once you've tasted them and continue to do so again and again, it's hard to remember anything else. I don't have the time to read through ten pages of back and forth. I'm sure it's all generally the same and I already know everyone here has tried to leave you with great advice. And maybe someone has already expressed this sentiment, but I'm sorry that you've experienced what you have while trying to RP and I'm more sorry we obviously cannot help you. This hobby is really a beautiful thing and I hope somehow, whether through [i]a lot[/i] of self reflection or a sudden turn of 'bad luck', you get to experience it the way the rest of us do. Till then, remember the quote and keep in mind that it works both ways.[/color]