[quote=@stone] This thread has more derailed posts than most ICs have responses. [/quote] Yeah if only people put this much effort and attention into actually RPing and making RPs. [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/CourteousDirtyGrub-small.gif[/img] [s]I'm just being a jerk.[/s] [hider=0.0.] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ef9JNXp.jpg[/img] [s]But I mean c'mon, imagine if like even a third of these people actually were this interested in actually roleplaying.[/s] [/hider] There's genuinely been some truly solid advice on here. One big thing I've noticed is to try get your RP friends to join your RPs. You can still accept randos of course but having a core, important group that you are friends with and frequently communicate with outside of the RP will go a looooooooooooooooooong way to keeping a RP alive and active. As well as drawing eyes to it. Its a lot easier to keep track of friends, there's less of a chance of them just dipping out, fucking you over, they're more willing to offer advice or ideas and less of a chance of drama too. Of course if you don't have any friends this advice is kind of useless...