[quote=@Zombehs] [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/645/713/888.jpg[/img] It's time to put the thread down and go get some sleep. Also, if you're constantly on the receiving end of these so called mobs, it might be a bit prudent to think long and hard about why you supposedly have to "defend" yourself constantly. Then again, if you need to be told that constantly, it's not like sitting down and thinking about it will probably do much good. [/quote] I feel I constantly have to because I feel no one gets how it feels to have multiple RP's dead in a year, having ghosters drop you at planning or when you agree to start and you do but never get a reply back. I feel I have no choice but to fight for my side to be heard and understood in contrast to being targeted and attacked all because I express frustration.