"Really? I hardly touched the sweaty little man." 595 pouted. "I will admit this place is fun, but everyone needs to lighten up a little. I wasn't expecting [b]that[/b] much pressure to return home after one minor [i]incident[/i] in the line of duty. How much is the fine?" The agent asked, scratching her neck and carefully treading a path through the half-consumed drinks on the floor around the couch. "Kalax darling, do you have food and clothing for me?" The Ambassador turned around from the hob. "Kedgeree and a tracksuit, my dear. Wallace sent over a change of clothes for all of us." Kalax himself was wearing his work clothes underneath a white chef's apron. He looked very fresh and handsome in an androgynous sort of way. 595 skittered over to the Ambassador’s lanky form. He held out a spoon of seasoned rice, dusted with flakes of haddock and egg. "Is this cooked to your satisfaction?" 595 maneuvered her mouth around the spoon with an exaggerated "NOM" sound. She swallowed and grinned. "Delicious. Where are the clothes?" Kalax turned and pointed to a large box on the other side of the kitchen island with his spoon. "You may want to wash first, you smell." 595 skittered round to the box and opened it. "Food first, wash later." She replied. Back in one of the guest bedrooms, Freyr was blown away by this recent discovery. She'd sat up in bed, the duvet wrapped around her, a cup of water clutched in her hand. "So how did it happen?". Masgard glanced toward the door. "I think 595 was always going to hook up with someone last night. The pool of candidates just got a lot smaller when our outing was cut short.” That response left questions in Freyr's mind, but she didn't get a chance to voice them before Kalax called over comms. [i]“Brunch is ready! Don’t let it get cold.”[/i] Masgard levered himself off the bed. “Fresh clothes are here. Special delivery from Wallace.” Freyr was starving, so she jumped out of bed straight after Masgard exited the room, threw on the light, comfortable short-sleeve overalls, and followed him.