[@Aristocles][@Zillanilla] Grabbing his cloak and mantle Twig said his goodbyes to Siwa, hurriedly he pulled thd flap of the cloth into the fresh air outside. Twig looked at his hand, they ached from rubbing Siwa's joints and he couldn't waste more energy on spell casting that evening. Deep in thought Twig barely noticed Greslarch until the wolf nuzzled his snout against the druid [color=c4df9b]"Good god,"[/color] Twig stumbled back with a start [color=c4df9b]"Tell me when you arrive next time!"[/color] Twig berated Greslarch shaking a tiny fist at his companion but the wolf just made a snorting noise [color=9e0b0f][i]'Brother calls I come and this always happens'[/i][/color] the wolf communicated empathically albeit derisively. Twig gritted his teeth and grumbled inaudibly about [color=c4df9b]"Attitude"[/color] this and [color=c4df9b]"Sarcastic mutt"[/color] that paying little mind to how strange it must have seemed to a passerby or his two new friends.