MEGAMAN X: CRIMSON METAL In the year 24XX, the metropolis known as Aegis 09, was faced with a massive energy crisis. The city had begun to take in too much energy than its Force Metal Generators could produce, and as a result, could face a catastrophic power failure. In desperation, the city's scientists started to experiment, in an attempt to create an artificially more powerful variety of Force Metal. Through many errors, they seemingly created the perfect Force Metal that was dubbed "Crimson Nova". While it seemingly had more power than normal, the side effects were immediately noticed. Machines began to malfunction, reploids enhanced by the Force Metal began to go haywire and attack anyone around them, and the Crimson Nova metal started to corrupt the city's systems. Aegis 09 had traded one crisis for another, and as a result of reckless experimentation, more than half of the city has been quarantined. Special forces units comprised of volunteers and soldiers are deployed on a daily basis to combat the constant threat of crimson reploids, and scientists are working around the clock to find a way to stop Crimson Nova. One such unit of is about to take a routine patrol through the quarantine zone, a patrol that would become a battle for survival. [hider=Important Knowledge]REPLOIDS Artificially created androids that were given sentience, giving them feelings and intelligence comparable to humans. They were originally designed for the aid of humanity, but have since integrated themselves into society and have become their own people. They are near identical to humans and, in some cases, can only be differentiated by the plates over where their ears would be. Other times, they are easily distinguishable by their build, being more bulky, tall, or slender to fit the role they were designed for. PSEUDOROIDS Often referred to as Falseroids, these androids share the sentience of they're reploid counterparts, but are distinguished by having more animalistic features than human ones. Also, unlike reploids, pseudoroids are created through bio metal, from which they gain their abilities and strengths from. In the past, pseudoroids were seen as beasts who could turn Maverick at any moment, but with recent events, they have been created to aid in the fight against Crimson Nova. BIO-METAL/FORCE METAL Two forms of power that have been used throughout history for many, many purposes. While Bio-Metal was created as a means to power chosen reploids and for the creation of pseudoroids, Force Metal was created as a power source for machines and tools, and can even be used to enhance and upgrade reploids and pseudoroids alike. Many experimental, illegal, and dangerous forms of Bio-Metal and Force Metal have been created throughout history and have lead to many threats to humanity. Crimson Nova is a prime example that humanity is doomed to repeat past mistakes. MAVERICK A term given to robots and/or androids who have essentially gone rogue, whether through the means of a virus, an error or glitch in their systems, or just because they choose to. Mavericks seek their own goals and will achieve them no matter what, usually at the cost of human and reploid lives. Maverick Hunters were created to oppose the rogue intelligences, and are instructed to do whatever it takes to apprehend, or in most cases, destroy/kill the Maverick.[/hider] [hider=NPCs]TBA[/hider] [hider=Character App]Name: (your character's casual name) Codename/Nickname: (what does everyone refer to your character as on the field?) Race: (human, reploid, pseudoroid) Gender: (is your character referred to as a he or she?) Personality: (how does your character act and their thoughts on the Crimson Nova outbreak?) Biography: (Where were your characters during the outbreak? What were their lives like before everything went to hell?) Weaponry/Abilities: (What element does your character use? What weapons or Bio-Metal do they use?) Misc: (Anything you want to note about your character, like trivia or music, goes here)[/hider]