[center][img]https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/holy-city-of-jedha-main_a628115c.jpeg?region=0%2C38%2C1200%2C600[/img][/center] [right][b]Jedha City // Jedha // Mid-Rim[/b][/right] Dust shook from the top shelves, disturbed it fell to the ground slowly as the rumble of weapons fire reverberated through the city. The thunder of explosives pounding the shield at regular intervals. It wasn't enough to take down the city shield. It wasn't enough to deplete the shield, and it wasn't supposed to be. The Clones had turned against them. They had managed to run through several Padawans in the temple before Master Richo managed to stop their advance, they were repelled. The temple cleared, between the remaining Guardians of the Whills and the few Jedi that had survived the assault on the temple they managed to push back the Republic forces out of the city and activate the city shield. [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6LhnELeA6WxH6Q8h46tD6n41mAzEqKH_1mQ&usqp=CAU]Master Richo[/url] stood leaning over a holo table. His right hand was clasping his chin, stroking his chin. The map displayed the walled city and all its defences, a thin bubble indicating the shield that was protecting from the outside forces. Richo could form the telltale signs of a migraine clawing at the inside of his skull, closing his eyes and squinting his head slightly. There was a slight rasp at the door as he turned his head to look at the young Twi'lek Jedi Knight. In her shaking hands she had a cup of caf, he could already smell the bitter aroma of the warm liquid. Richo smiled his thanks as he took the cup, clasping it in two hands he took a sip. The warm liquid dancing on his tongue as he savoured the taste. Allowing some sense of normality and control to flood his senses. He sighed once he lowered the cup from his mouth. [b]"Any word from Coruscant?"[/b] The blue-skinned Geli shook her head, her head tails swinging around her as she did so. "Nothing Master Richo. Even before the Clones started jamming the communications we've not been able to reach the Jedi Temple." Richo grimaced. There was a wound in the Force, he could feel it. There was pain, chaos, confusion and much, much anger. There was no telling what had occurred, and on what scale. Had clones elsewhere in the galaxy turned against the Jedi? If so how many had died? How many were left? [b]"Send out a call for help on every possible frequency. Try and target Lothal, Corellia, Dac and Kashyyk. Use the old emergency band. We might be able to get something through. We won't be able to able to escape without help."[/b] "-but Master. What about the temple?" The human stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. [b]"My Former Padawan, I'm afraid that the temple is lost. The best we can hope to do is evacuate as many Padawans as possible with as much Kyber as we can get our hands on."[/b] "The Guardians-" [b]"The Guardians will never leave, not all of them. I shall speak to them in time-"[/b] The entire room shook as the next barrage of shells landed on the shield. Everything that wasn't bolted down in the room shook due to the power of the impact, in the distance, he could hear the screams and feel the fear radiate off the civilian population. [b]"-but we have to go. The longer we stay here the greater danger we put the people in."[/b]