[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjZkYmQzMi5SVzFwYkhrZ1FtRjRkR1Z5LjA,/twenty-senja.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/wT7dqwHs/fd61bb90ddb30f7168110506a44df69a.jpg[/img][/center][hr] The morning had only just started, but there was already a whole hell lot of things going on. First of all, the blondie she'd saw chatting up Juno was firstly referred to as DeVito by the redhead until her name made itself known. Judging from what she'd seen so far, she didn't think it would take very long at all before she and many of the other Liberty High students would learn his name. Emily had returned Juno's warm smile when she remarked about the mutual delight of being able to see each other again. She'd didn't often preferred to go by a nickname, but the way the redhead called her Ems was so surprisingly pleasant to hear that she had gradually taken a liking to it. Yeap. Not more than a couple of minutes after that very thought crossing her mind, a brunette came over to the blond and referred to him as Spike. Spike huh? Well, he [i]did[/i] look like a Spike. Not like she knew exactly what Spikes were supposed to look like, but if anyone had to look like a Spike, this guy sure did. The only way he could look more like a Spike was to have his hair done up in a whole lot of tiny spikes. Now that would be the [i]ultimate[/i] Spike look. She was probably getting ahead of herself her, but [i]what's new?[/i] It started to get more and more crowded all of a sudden. Seems like this Spike dude is really a popular dude or something. Yet another girl made her presence known around the blond as he found himself surrounded by more females. This one had extra silky hair and was angry at something, or she may just always look like that, but it didn't stop her from pushing his head in like it was some inanimate object getting in her way before extending her body in to retrieve what looked like a beverage from the dude's car. Shampoo commercial girl then turned to apologize for some reason before she choked on her drink upon the gaze of Juno's beauty. That was understandable. The redhead was beauty, [i]there was no doubt there.[/i] Silky hair referred to the third girl that came as Lil, and Emily took this time to try and remember as many names as she could possibly fit into her memory. Names were important, yeah? Another guy then briefly rolled back the group, referring to Spike as a walking potato. She didn't exactly knew what that meant, but she was intending on finding that out. The accuser was almost then caught in an accident with another car. Oh, my. The day had barely started, and this morning was already filled with action. As if there wasn't enough girls around Spike as it is, another one joined the fray. A new blonde. From the way she carried herself, Emily guessed that she was important. From the way she announced her presence and offered her help to the newbies, she definitely had to be. This Spike was [i]really[/i] something else. Once Spike left, the crowd dispersed, and Emily too took this time to get her bearings as she fished out her phone from her jacket pocket to look up the email from the school to see who she was to be attached too. It appears that she had been matched up to someone called Melissa. She didn't know who that was, never really mixing around with the lot from Rosefell High before today. Unbeknown to her, Emily had already met Melissa in the crowd, the one she referred to as the "important" one. The latest arrival caused her to glance up from her phone. Jackson. It had been a while since she has seen him as well. [color=6fe40d]"Hey Jackson. How's life treating you?"[/color] Moving forward, Emily stepped into through the doors and into the entrance of Rosefell High. The banner and signage in blue and silver caught her eye immediately. There were many things in Liberty High that she loved, but the colors were not one of them. The blue was alright, but she had always found the silver gaudy and outputting. If there was one thing Rosefell got right, it was their colors. She much, much preferred the Red and Black. Red was fiery and passionate, and black looked great with pretty much everything. Moving past the plethora of decorations that must have been oh-so-carefully prepared for the special opening day today, Emily headed to the sign-in counter where the school staff awaited the new Liberty High students to pick up their name tags and wait for their guides. Stepping up to a staff and presenting her name, she was given a old-fashioned looking name tag with her full name clearly printed onto it. Sticking the tag onto the top left of her jacket, she briefly looked around to see if there was anyone else that could possibly be Melissa waiting for her. Unable to find anyone, Emily asked the tired-looking older lady with the graying hair about the whereabouts of her guide. [color=6fe40d]"Hi, have you seen Melissa around anywhere?"[/color] The older lady gave her a look of [i]exhausted annoyance[/i] that seemed to suggest [i]that she jolly well waited here until her guide came and not a single question more. [/i] She didn't need to see to know who made the announcement that suddenly came on. Those words, that tone, that way of speech. It had to be Spike. It had the same kind of crazy energy just like the kind she had witnessed out earlier back at the parking lot.